Page 4 - Big Sky Elite Red Angus Female Sale – Dec. 1, 2021
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Welcome to the Big Sky Elite Female Sale!
Jim, Julie, Every sale manager letter I write, nothing changes – quality cattle are always
Katie, Tom at the top of my list on recommendations for auction attendees and buyers.
and Bob This season is unique in that the severe drought of the Northwest and upper
Morton Midwest have caused a lot of cattlemen and women to sell deep into their herds
to survive the crisis of the feed cost situation of 2021. With these liquidations
will come opportunity as the 10-year cattle cycle begins to show signs of great
cattle prices again in the near future. I cannot emphasize enough your chance
at being ready for the upswing in these prices. And once again, I will highlight
the fact that quality cattle are always at the top of the chain no matter what
the market is. There are many Red Angus females selling in Montana this fall
auction season. There is only one auction that highlights four of the top Red
Angus breeders in the nation that will back your purchase and assist your
purchase with free trucking to three pickup points in Central Oregon, Northwest
Oklahoma and Southeast Iowa.
Cayl, Trac,
Taryn, Craig &
Traig DeBoer The Red Angus females that sell annually in the Big Sky Elite Sale are second-
to-none for depth of pedigree, physical conformation and future profi tability.
Each animal has been analyzed by their owner with solid feet and legs, good
functional udders, and always the guarantee of fertility and pregnancy status
Paul, Kara & &
(the cows are even re-pregnancy checked the day before the auction!). You will
Kallie Herbst;
have many choices to buy Red Angus females this fall and winter season but
Renee, Brad,
the quality that consistently rolls out of the Big Sky Elite Sale make this one you
Cole & Brielle
don’t want to miss. Whether you buy in person, on the phone or via DVAuction
on the internet, the future of your program deserves your attention to this auc-
Dave & Kay
tion and the amazing Red Angus females that come out of it.
I will be in Three Forks, Montana, on November 30th going through the sale
offering and would certainly be glad to give you my thoughts on any individual
lot you might be interested in. I also have several references from past buyers
of this auction with success stories and satisfaction reports that I also would be
Chuck glad to share with you. Whether you are adding to your existing herd, searching
and Carol for that top Donor Matron or just starting in the Red Angus business, I will as-
Feddes sure you that this offering will suit your needs.
I look forward to seeing or hearing from you on November 30th and December
1st in Three Forks, Montana. Feel free to contact me anytime – 641-919-1077.
1st in Three Forks, Montana. Feel free to contact me anytime – 641-919-1077.
Best Regards,
Best Regards,
Kyle Gilchristyle Gilchrist
Get off 1-90 at the Logan Exit, #283. Go north and take a left on the frontage road. Proceed west toward Three Forks, about 1/2 mile. Take a right
onto Logan Trident Road, heading north. The road immediately crosses the Gallatin River and the railroad tracks, as shown on the map. Green
Mountain Red Angus is 2 miles from the railroad tracks. Watch for the large Green Mountain Red Angus sign.
2 – Big Sky Elite Female Sale Catalog online at • Video online at