Page 24 - ND Red Select Sale - Red Angus Females – Dec. 11, 2021
P. 24

46 46    BERWALD ABIGRACE 1133J            OPEN HEIFER

                                                                 ProS  HB  GM    BIRTH DATE   REG. #   CATEGORY:   BW:   WW:
                                                                 119  31  88  2/21/21 4491397  100% 2  83  687
                                                                 19%  96%  1%            Consigned by BERWALD RED ANGUS
                                                                 CED BW WW YW  ADG  DMI   M   ME HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                  12  -0.9  82  141  0.37  0.85 18  3   6   4  11  0.47 0.06 50  0.52 0.02
                                                                 66% 67%  1%  1%  1%  12% 96% 59%  98% 95%  92%  35%  49%  1%  2%  64%
                                                                   S A V RESOURCE 1441         RITO 707 OF IDEAL 3407 7075
                                                               S A V TERRITORY 7225           | S A V BLACKCAP MAY 4136
                                                                                               S A V 004 DENSITY 4336
                                                                   S A V EMBLYNETTE 3293      | S A V EMBLYNETTE 7411
                                                                                               BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199
                                                                   5L INDEPENDENCE 560-298Y   | 5L BLACK ADINA 525-560
                                                               C-BAR-RJ ABIGRACE 684D          LJC MISSION STATEMENT P27
                                                                   C-BROWN&KM ABIGRACE T715   | BROWN MS ABIGRACE P7905
                                Lot 46
        After watching the proven success behind Resource 1441, I started seeking   performance and longevity. Numerically, this heifer has six traits in the top 2% of
        out his top son. When I found a bull called Territory and saw his Density dam,   the breed or better. Her dam has been consistent as well, fl ushing an average
        I knew I needed to reach for the next lever and incorporate him into the Red   of 14 eggs on multiple fl ushes from her time as a 2-year-old until today. She has
        Angus breed. A pedigree stacked with maternal power, this female we are of-  solidifi ed her place as one of the top donor power cows in our program. In my
        fering ties together exceptional cow families from both the black and red breed.   opinion, this heifer is one of the best we have offered. I’m so confi dent in her
        Coupled with breed matriarchs like Blackcap May 4136, SAV Density 004, Mis-  outcross pedigree, I will be offering her new owner one straw of either Captain,
        sion Statement and the original Abigrace L7730, she reads with predictability,   Commander or Quarterback. Bid with confi dence, she will pay her way.
                                                                 47 47    DAHLKE MS TJ 102J                 OPEN HEIFER

                                                                 ProS  HB  GM    BIRTH DATE   REG. #   CATEGORY:   BW:   WW:
                                                                 146  88  58  1/15/21 4448775  100% 1A  66  684
                                                                 3%  11%  9%               Consigned by DAHLKE RED ANGUS
                                                                 CED BW WW YW  ADG  DMI   M   ME HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                16 -3.3 77 132 0.34 1.82 27  2  11  8  20 0.46 0.09 39 0.38 0.03
                                                                 8%  23%  4%  2%  1%  86% 35% 55%  59% 33%  4%  37%  66%  4%  7%  82%
                                                                   ANDRAS FUSION R236          ANDRAS IN FOCUS B175
                                                               BIEBER CL ATOMIC C218          | ANDRAS BELLE B167
                                                                                               HUST CHIEF SEQUOYA R336
                                                                   BIEBER DATELINE 308Y       | BASIN ROSE 7127
                                                                                               RITO 707 OF IDEAL 3407 7075
                                                                   S A V RESOURCE 1441        | S A V BLACKCAP MAY 4136
                                                               DAHLKE MS TJ 90G                LSF WIDE SPREAD 0052X
                                                                   DAHLKE MS.TJ 207Z          | NSFR TJ X24
                    BIEBER CL ATOMIC C218, sire of Lot 47
        A red granddaughter of the great Angus sire, SAV Resource 1441. This girl   females will be 4 years old this spring and they have risen to the top at our
        has been a pasture standout all year. She’s a heifer that has some length,   place. On paper, I’m not sure it gets much better, going from -3.3 on BW to
        extra sweep though her middle, with the added base width that I’ve come to   132 on YW, with top 5% for both ProS and Stayability, along with excellent
        expect from the Resource 1441 lineage. Her dam is an easy-keeping type   carcass numbers.
        with a tight, snug udder and ideal teat size and placement. Our oldest Atomic
                                                                 48 48    DK MISS TOPPICK J807              OPEN HEIFER

                                                                 ProS  HB  GM    BIRTH DATE   REG. #   CATEGORY:   BW:   WW:
                                                                 102  67  36  3/15/21 4490485  100% 1A  62  643
                                                                 42%  45%  46%                 Consigned by DK RED ANGUS
                                                                 CED BW WW YW  ADG  DMI   M   ME HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                  13  -2.5  62  107  0.28  1.99 32  12  11  9  17  0.33 0.04 28  0.30 0.02
                                                                 37% 36%  41%  26% 14%  94%  4%  95%  50% 19%  28%  68%  40% 22%  14%  66%
                                                                   9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305        SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON
                                                                WILLOW TOP PICK 750-1919       | C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11
                                                                                                WILLOW EASTWOOD 1318-1565
                                                                   PDG WILLOW MISCHIEF 750    | WILLOW MISCHIEF 403
                                                                                                ANDRAS THUNDER A092
                                                                   VGW THUNDER 637             | VGW R667-CHRSS 0848
                                                                DK MISS THUNDER F007            WEBR DOC 438
                                                                   DK MISS DOC D7             | DK MISS POWER PACK A017
                                Lot 48
        J807 is a dark-cherry-red, deep-sided heifer with lots of style and eye appeal.   female we are offering for sale. She also is a VGW Thunder granddaughter
        She is sired by our new herd sire, Top Pick. She will be the fi rst Top Pick 750   who has produced some tremendous females in our herd. Don’t pass her up.

        22 – North Dakota Red Select Sale                                              Catalog online at
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