Page 34 - ND Red Select Sale - Red Angus Females – Dec. 11, 2021
P. 34

80 80   5L FOREMAN 2174-370E             Consigned by 5L Red Angus

                                                       10 UNITS  5L BOURNE 117-48A X 5L ADINA 1551-2174 – #3744501
                                                        ProS  HB  GM CED BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI   M  ME HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG  CW  REA   FAT
                                                        142  80  62  17  -4.3  78  133  0.34  2.28 27  9  18  6  18  0.71  0.17 39 0.28 0.05
                                                        6%  20%  11% 8%  13% 8%  5%  4%  97%  32% 83% 3%  60%  24%  9%   88%  11%  20%  95%
                                                     5L Foreman 2174-370E is a calving ease bull spread bull that also combines performance. He is a
                                                     moderate, deep ribbed bull that follows the type and kind of his sire 5L Bourne 117-48A. He ranks in the
                                                     top 13% BW, 8% WW and 5% YW. Owned by 5L Red Angus, Sheridan, MT.

                                                        81 81  RREDS SENECA 731C            Consigned by Rhodes Red Angus

                                                       10 UNITS  BIEBER ROLLIN DEEP Y118 X RREDS ASTER 309A – #3491307
                                                        ProS  HB  GM CED BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI   M  ME HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG  CW  REA   FAT
                                                        64  66  -2  12  -2.6  73  116  0.27  1.94 23  3  10  5  18  0.05  0.16 28 0.33 0.07
                                                        87%  44%  95%  55% 34%  15% 18% 26%  87% 64% 58%  70% 83%  23%  98%  85% 28%  16%  99%
                                                      Seneca has near fl awless phenotype he is medium framed bull with as much middle and hip has you
                                                      can fi t in one. He has as a great disposition with foot and leg structure that are hard to fi nd. Owned by
                                                      Rhodes Red Angus

                                                       82 82   RED U2 TOWNSHIP 17G

                                                                       Consigned by Twedt Red Angus and Rhodes Red Angus Ranch

                                                       10 UNITS  RED MRLA RESOURCE 137E X U2 BEAUTY 113Z – #4265551
                                                        ProS  HB  GM CED BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI   M  ME HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG  CW  REA   FAT
                                                        79  50  29  8  2.5  58  95  0.24  1.31 23  -16  12  5  11  0.25  0.01 20 0.17 0.00
                                                        72%  71%  55%  93% 97%  63% 56% 46%  37% 64%  7%  38% 86%  91%  80%  24% 50%  35%  24%
                                                      Phenotypically he is tough to a fault expressing excellent shape and breed character. He is sound, perfect lined
                                                      and has a herd bull presence. His dam Red U-2 Beauty 113Z is a model Angus cow and was the high selling
                                                      red cow at $62,000 in U2’s historic dispersion. Carrying the proven genetics of SAV Resource in a red hide is
                                                      breed changing! Township offers phenotype, excellent maternal traits, effi ciency, scrotal, semen quality and
                                                      stands on great feet. US Buyers only. Owned by Rhodes Red Angus Ranch, Twedt Red Angus and Mark Jolly
                                                       83 83   3SCC DOMAIN A163        Consigned by Darrell Rhodes Red Angus

                                                       10 UNITS  BECKTON DOMINOR T122 Z1 X 3SCC EUCLA X723 – #1619642
                                                        ProS  HB  GM CED BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI   M  ME HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG  CW  REA   FAT
                                                        122  74  48  14  -1.4  62  105  0.27  1.55 23  1  14  3  19  0.65  0.22 23 0.03 0.07
                                                        18%  30%  25%  30% 55%  46% 36% 28%  59% 65% 48%  22% 93%  9%  13%  95% 43%  61%  99%
                                                      Domain’s extreme index power catches your eye, but it’s his thick-made, well-built progeny that have made
                                                      him a leader in return customer semen sales. Sons are easy fl eshing, thick and masculine; Daughters in
                                                      production are medium-sized, easy-fl eshing cows with good feet and fantastic udders. With an outcross
                                                      pedigree, outstanding EPD profi le and no-holes phenotype, Domain is an easy mating in many registered and
                                                      commercial herds. Owned by Genex, Koester Red Angus and Sonstegard Cattle Co.
                                                       84 84   RED U-2 RENOWN 193C              Consigned by JK Red Angus

                                                        3 UNITS  RED U-2 RECKONING 149A X RED U-2 ENVIOUS 147X – #2585133
                                                        ProS  HB  GM CED BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI   M  ME HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG  CW  REA   FAT
                                                        26  24  1   3  4.4 63  86  0.14  1.26  24  -29  5   0  10  0.30  0.01 9 0.17  0.03
                                                        99%  95%  94%  99% 99%  42% 73% 93%  33% 63%  1%  98% 99%  93%  71%  26% 82%  35%  65%
                                                      Red U2 Renown 193C (2585133) has taken the Red Angus breed by storm in Canada with his fi rst calf crops and elevated into
                                                      a leading sire to incorporate foot quality, structural soundness, natural muscle and overall dimension in a moderate package. 
                                                      His daughters are now dropping awesome udders and they have been in high demand while his sons have topped every bull
                                                      sale they are sold through. U2 Renown 193C is phenotypically one of the most complete beef sires in the industry and has
                                                      an excellent foot, sound structure and overall attractiveness that sets him apart.  His sire, Reckoning, is leaving beautiful
                                                      daughters and equally as strong sons for Six Mile Ranch…these are genetics that are highly sought after.  When you combine
                                                      his excellent phenotype with a never-miss dam with a strong udder and very good foot, you have a sire that can complement
                                                      the industry and add value to all that utilize him. Owned by Ter-Ron Farms, U-2 Ranch and Canadian Sires
        32 – North Dakota Red Select Sale                                              Catalog online at
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