Page 3 - Grassy Meadow Ranch Annual Red Angus Bull Sale – Jan. 8, 2022
P. 3
A block of rooms have been made under Grassy Meadow Ranch at
Sunlac Inn in Lakota.
Sunlac Inn ................................................................ 701-247-2487 CATALOG & PROMOTION
Any other questions contact Karissa. Cow Camp Promotions, Tracey Koester .................... 701-391-5440
Greetings, Friends!
Welcome to our 6th Annual Production Sale! Where does the
time go? It seems like we were just preparing for our fi rst
sale. Thank you for the consideration of our program. We
strive to provide you with the quality genetics and customer
service to support the success and future of your operations.
There is a lot of positivity coming out of the cattle industry.
We are especially excited about the recent Red Angus press
release of the USDA recognizing Red Angus as Angus for
various programs. We are proud of what our Red Angus
mama cows have been doing for us through the years. Our
main focus has been to provide power and performance
bulls that help bring in heavy steers while maintaining our
maternal power for retaining replacement heifers. We are
excited for this group of bulls because they run as deep as
they ever have for that power and performance with mater-
nal power.
You are welcome anytime of the year to come and look at
Due to the drought, the bulls have been weaned since July calves, cows, and herd sires. Bulls can be viewed at any-
15th. Despite being weaned early they have shown their abil- time for an early preview. We look forward to seeing you on
ity to adapt and continued to grow throughout the summer January 8 and working with you in the future. Please let us
and fall. This set of bulls has really impressed us with their know if you have any questions or comments. We will do
growth and power. Our Power Kind offspring are proving our best to serve you!
to be the sire group to add frame and performance to steer
calves. We also really like the females and will be calving out Sincerely,
the second group of them this spring. David, Karissa, Graysen, Leightyn, Tristyn and Traysen Daws