Page 2 - Deckert Sim-Red Angus Bulls & Bred Heifers Production Sale – Feb. 22, 2022
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Welcome to our 2022 Annual Production Sale!

                 What a ride it has been this last year, full of blessings and inter-
                 esting events in the world.  I’m so happy God still has His hand on
                 the steering wheel. One of the greatest blessings is we got another
                 granddaughter and I get to share my birthday with her. That will be
                 something to look forward to (her birthday, not mine – LOL)!

                 Our industry has a lot to be optimistic about as the value of cattle
                 are in a position to increase. Now is the time to invest in the best
                 genetics that you can find. We are extremely excited to be able to fill
                 that niche for you. The bulls in our offering can uniquely fit you with
                 some high-power bulls that still have a degree of calving ease or
                 some bulls that will work on heifers. Take advantage of the hybrid vigor that makes it easy to imple-
                 ment into your herd. We’ve found that even a low percentage of Simmental, Red Angus or Angus can
                 be explosive for calf vigor, pre-weaning gain, carcass merit and fertility. It’s a long term affect for your

                 The bulls are developed on a high-fiber diet designed for adequate gains to keep them sound and
                 ready to go to work. The females come from the heart of our herd. You will notice we are offering
                 several siblings of what we feel are powerful cow families. There has been over 50 years of artificial
                 breeding in the pedigree of each animal in this sale with unique breed-leading bloodlines. A number
                 of the heifers are due on the 26th of March, so please be prompt in arranging transportation of the
                 heifers. We will assist any way possible. The bulls can be kept at the ranch until May 1. We will semen
                 test them and deliver to you up to 150 miles.

                 It will be a Day of Double Blessings, so don’t miss out – 2-22-2022 at 2 p.m.

                 Deckert Sim-Red Angus
                 Justin, Carrie & Jaxon

                                                      Rooted in Heritage, Growing Through Innovation, Delivering Profitability
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