Page 5 - Frey Angus Ranch Annual Bull Production Sale – Feb. 6, 2022
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FOR INJURY OF BULLS:OR INJURY OF BULLS: Frey Angus Ranch will provide free keep and delivery of bulls after April
Frey Angus Ranch will guarantee bulls for injury through the fi rst 1. Those hauling their purchased bulls during the week after the sale
breeding season which will end as of September 1 in the year of will receive $100 per head discount. The buyer will be responsible for
purchase. A replacement will be made through credit in forthcoming obtaining a semen evaluation test after April 1 and prior to June 1 on
sales for those bulls which fail to breed as a result of injury. Salvage bulls where delivery is taken and discount is provided.
value of $2,500 per bull will be deducted from credit. Buyer will retain VOLUME DISCOUNTS:OLUME DISCOUNTS:
full salvage of injured bull. Injury resulting in death or death of bull will 5% on 5 or more bulls purchased and 10% on 10 or more bulls
not be the responsibility of Frey Angus Ranch. This is an insurable risk purchased.
that the purchaser can obtain mortality insurance for death or injury
resulting in death prior to delivery of bull. This can be obtained at the INJURY OR DEATH PRIOR TO DELIVERY:NJURY OR DEATH PRIOR TO DELIVERY:
time of purchase. Injury resulting in death or death of the bull prior to delivery will not be
the responsibility of Frey Angus Ranch. This is an insurable risk that the
SATISFACTORY SEMEN EVALUATION ON BULLS:ATISFACTORY SEMEN EVALUATION ON BULLS: purchaser can obtain mortality insurance for death or injury resulting in
Frey Angus Ranch will guarantee a satisfactory semen evaluation prior death prior to the delivery of the bull. This can be purchased at the time
to the fi rst breeding season on all bulls selling. This will be prior to the of purchase.
date of June 1st in the year of purchase. A replacement will be made
available or credit in forthcoming sales for those bulls which fail to Lynn Frey, agent, Martin-Trudeau Agency.........................701-720-5036
pass a satisfactory semen evaluation in the this time period. The testing Mortality Only @ 6% for 12 months
and return of the bull will be the responsibility of the purchaser. (minimum premium fee of $150)
Frey Angus Ranch Production Sale 3