Page 2 - Hunt's H+ Brangus Bull & Female Sale – Feb. 26, 2022
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2022 Professional Cattlemen’  s Bull & Female Sale    –   Cattle with Something EXTRA!
                   2022 Professional Cattlemen’s Bull & Female Sale – Cattle with Something EXTRA!
        Dear Friends and Customers,

        We look forward to spending time with you at our sixth annual Hunt’s H+ Brangus Bull & Female Sale on February 26, 2022 at
        1:00 pm. We are excited to show you the deepest set of bulls we have ever developed. There are more MC Something Special
        889Y2 offspring in this sale than have ever been available in the history of this prolific sire. We could not bring you this sale with-
        out the cooperation of our genetic cooperators, Terry and TJ Bunch at Bunch Brangus and our family, Michael, Wesley, Seth and
        Jamey Hunt.

        Our goal is to offer you solid, genetically proven bulls by breeding according to our consistent breeding plan. We don’t switch to the
        “bull of the year” or chase the fads. Our AI bulls are proven and then we clean up with the best son of that AI sire that we can select.
        The results speak for themselves and produce a tremendous cowherd consistency and quality that produces profitable genetics for
        you. The bulls are raised and developed after weaning on forage and a Purina Accu-Ration Feed that aims for proper development
        and expression of genetic potential. They averaged around 3.41 lbs. of gain per day for the test period as a group.
        We collect and report all relevant data on EVERY bull and heifer born on the farm through yearling. We don’t adjust contemporary
        groups or use single contemporary animals to “protect” EPDs. We never play games with the numbers. They are what we say they
        are on every animal, every time. Our grandfather taught us that, “A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed
        is better than silver or gold.” Proverbs 22:1. The information we provide is the basis for our reputation as your choice of a genetic
        provider. We will not waiver from accurately representing our animals to you!

        We believe that profitable cows have live calves, have long productive lives, and raise calves to weaning and breed back every year.
        Profitable cows need to survive on what nature provides in their environment with minimal inputs. We manage our herd according
        to these beliefs. Your bulls come from real working cows! Every animal we sell has passed a forage-based gain test, was checked
        for known genetic conditions, passed an exhaustive veterinarian administered Breeding Soundness Exam, been carcass ultra-
        sounded by a certified technician, has genomic enhanced EPDs and parent-age verification. We believe our pursuit of sound cattle
        management practices combined with consistent breeding plans, and ethical reporting of real data produces and superior product for
        you! We call that “something extra.” We are truly committed to your success in the cattle business. When you see the + at the end of
        our brand, you will begin to equate it with $ in your pocket on sale day! So, in our way of doing math, H+ = $ in your wallet!!! That
        is “something extra” for you! See you on Sale Day!
        Additionally, thanks goes to Auctioneer Andrew Conley, Gene and Adam Williams at Calhoun Stockyard, Kencade Sumner, DVM
        of Villanow Animal Clinic, videographer, Tyler Ertzberger, and catalog and ad designer, Tracey Koester, make this a successful sale
        each year. Our father, Michael Hunt, serves as our herdsman and has had help this year from a variety of friends: Eli Todd, Blaiz
        and Blair Harden, Robbie Arnold, Aubry Towers, and Madyson Volek. We also appreciate Todd Edward’s help with AI work on the
        heifer offering.

        See you on Sale Day!
        The Hunt Family
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