Page 33 - Tokach Angus Annual Bull And Heifer Production Sale – Feb. 21, 2022
P. 33

                                                                    PUREBRED BRED HEIFERS
        As you page through our 2022 sale catalog, you will note that we have put   The heifers have been synchronized and AI bred to either the high ma-
        together an outstanding group of registered bred heifers for our annual   ternal, multi-trait leader, Tehama Tahoe from the Select Sires stud or E
        sale. Just like in years past, we have tried to select a wide variety of females   & B Plus One who was one of the most widely used bulls of the Angus
        representing every major sire group from our 2020 calf crop. Most of   breed the past three years. Both of these bulls sired numerous sale toppers
        these females were selected right out of the middle of our AHIR data to   in their first calf crop. The heifers will have received their second shot of
        give you a true cross section of our genetic program. The balance of these   Scour Bos 4 by sale time, rechecked for pregnancy and health papers will
        heifers were placed in this sale as true sale attractions as they represent   be provided to allow them to go anywhere.
        some outliers in terms of performance, carcass values and phenotype. These
                                                               Join the growing ranks of Angus breeders who have put the power of the
        heifers and their progeny represent the most current and highly sought-af-
                                                               TOKACH FEMALE to work for them!
        ter genetics that the Angus breed has to offer. They are the type of genetics
        to build a cowherd around and the very same genetics that we are building
                                                               You will be glad you did!
        our future around.

                                                                SERVICE SIRE A - TEHAMA TAHOE B767
                                                                          BD: 9/6/13  Reg. #: +*17817177
                                                                CED  BW  WW  MILK  YW  MARB  RIB  $M  $W  $B  $C
                                                                  10  0.0  78  33  135  0.91  0.96  93   108   157   298
                                                                 • TAHOE is one of the most complete bulls in the Angus breed. Few sires can match
                                                                  his combination of calving ease, performance, maternal traits and carcass merit
                                                                  • TAHOE is currently ranked twelfth for registrations in 2021 and one of the popular
                                                                  bulls from the Select Sires lineup.
                                                                 • Unmatched EPD profile featuring calving ease, growth, docility, carcass genetics
                                                                  and top 1% of breed for maternal traits both $M and $W.

                                                               SERVICE SIRE B - E&B PLUS ONE
                                                                          BD: 1/26/18  Reg. #: +*19196960
                                                                CED  BW  WW  MILK  YW  MARB  RIB  $M  $W  $B  $C
                                                                 13  -0.9  51  23  99  1.02  0.69  83   54   144   272
                                                                • PLUS ONE from the Origen bull stud was one of the most widely used bulls in the
                                                                  breed the past three years
                                                                • PLUS ONE recorded a 162 %IMF ratio and a 14.6 ribeye adjusted before topping
                                                                  the 2019 Benoit sale at $68,000.
                                                                • PLUS ONE is a sure-fire heifer bull that is extra correct in his feet and leg
                                                                  design while excelling for maternal traits like heifer pregnancy, $ Maternal and

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