Page 8 - B&L Red Angus Bull and Heifer Sale – March 23, 2022
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                                  Arbuckle Ag is a producer-owned herbicide dealer focused on improving our clients’
                                  protability by supplying the most cost-eff ec�ve herbicide products, and suppor� ng

                                  our customers’ weed control efforts through individualized technical assistance.

                                                           “We’ve been impressed
                                                           with the weed control
                                                           we get using Arbuckle Ag
              “Arbuckle Ag is the one-stop-shop for        products and their recipes.
              all of your range and pasture spraying       Our neighbors were even

              needs. While we offer a broad range of        stopping by to ask what

              compe��vely priced herbicides and the        herbicide recipe we used on
              toughest pasture spraying equipment          our pastures. It’s a simple
              on the market, our primary focus is          phone call to get a great
              providing individualized solu�ons to         product at a great price

              our clients weed control challenges.”        that will get results.”
              – Larry Keenan                               – Benji White

                               Arbuckle Ag’s Products Supplied Directly By:

                                                                                  Alligare is America’s largest post-patent
                                                                                  industrial vegeta�on management

             HMI is a family-owned manufacturer striving to build the most        company, proudly offering more

             dependable agriculture equipment on the market including pasture     herbicide solu�ons for the range &
             sprayers, overhead feed bins, feed trailers, hay trailers, and fuel tanks.   pasture, bare-ground, and aqua� c
             The name says it all - HEAVY built!!!                                market than any other provider.

                  Contact us today to learn how you                               Arbuckle Ag Solutions
                   can experience better results and                                   Larry Keenan

                       improved range conditions.                                      580-504-1919
                                                                                        Sulphur, OK
        6                                                                                      B&L Red Angus Bull Sale
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