Page 2 - Green Mountain Red Angus Bull Production Sale – March 15, 2022
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Welcome                                                                      GREEN MOUNTAIN RED ANGUS
                                                                                     GREEN MOUNT
                                                                                                    AIN RED ANGUS
                                                               Welcome to Green Mountain RED Angus!

                                                               Welcome to our 23rd annual bull sale! What an amazing thing to be able
                                                               to say. Not only is this our 23rd sale, but it is our 37th year selling qual-
                                                               ity Red Angus genetics.

                                                               We couldn’t be more pleased to announce the marriage of our oldest
                                                               son, Tom, to Katie (Harris) Morton. Tom is gradually moving into a
                                                               more managerial position at Green Mountain Red Angus. Katie works
                                                               part-time on the ranch and is invaluable in the office and as an AI tech.
                                                               Jim graduated from MSU this past May, with a BA in photography, and
                                                               continues to provide us with beautiful images of the ranching lifestyle.
                                                               He has been on the ranch full-time since then and has become an es-
                                                               sential member of the GMRA crew. It is very exciting so see this next
                                                               generation so passionate about agriculture and the Red Angus breed
                                                               in particular. We are so blessed to have the boys want to be an integral
                                                               part of the ranch and look forward to many more years of quality Red
                                                               Angus seedstock production.

                                                               This last year was a challenge for many producers with the drought that
                                                               covered much of the country. We have also seen struggles with supply
                   Jim, Julie, Katie, Tom and Bob Morton       chains, from the labor force needed in packing plants, to the availability
                                                               of trucks to move those supplies. We always try to keep our focus on
                                                               the future and things that are happening in a positive way, especially in
        the agricultural sector. One of our most trusted sources for news and projections is Clint Berry with Superior Livestock. He is on the forefront of
        many facets, from political positions within the industry, to owning cattle on feed, to purchasing and shipping feeder cattle.

        According to Clint: The cattle market is heating up with nearly every indicator pointing toward great opportunities for higher cattle prices as
        we move into 2022 & beyond. With lower cattle numbers & all-time high beef demand in both the domestic & export markets, the leverage is
        swinging from the packing side back to the producer side of the supply/demand equation. While we face a lot of challenges outside the industry -
        Ukraine/Russia conflict, inflation, and possible government intrusions into our business, the fundamentals are certainly in our favor. Let’s just pray
        for moisture where needed! Bull sale season is upon us and now is the time to evaluate your bull battery & identify areas for improvement in your
        herds’ genetics. Balancing the need to reduce costs on the farm/ranch, while strategically improving our productivity & value to the buyer (post-
        weaning gain & carcass merit) is driven by the bulls we select & the females retained out of those sires. Invest in the upgrade & capture more
        profitability in the years to come.

        As your trusted seedstock source we make every effort to provide our customers with not only breed-leading genetics, but data that is based
        on the most progressive and advanced collection methods we can. This includes DNA technology providing parent verification and genomically
        enhanced EPDs. We also turn in complete data collection and submission, beginning at BW and continuing through all personal performance data
        markers. Carcass ultrasound is performed, as is all reported phenotypic evaluations, and our own in-house evaluations.

        As technology progresses, we are able to more readily identify the cattle that will excel in various facets of production, and here at GMRA we utilize
        everything we can to provide you with the most comprehensive and accurate data in the industry. The crew at Green Mountain Red Angus would
        like to thank you for putting your trust in our program for over 35 years. We hope you enjoy looking at the genetic packages offered in this catalog.
        Please reach out if you would like any additional information to help with your genetic selections. Stay well and we look forward to seeing you on
        sale day!

        Bob, Julie, Tom, Katie, Jim

        Green Mountain Red Angus                                         View a sortable Excel spreadsheet and videos at
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