Page 8 - Leland-Koester Red Angus Bull and Heifer Sale – March 11, 2022
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Our bulls are developed at our ranch facilities on a total The fall-born bulls are weaned in March and put on a high-
mixed ration formulated for adequate growth, but mild roughage ration until we have green grass – hopefully in
enough to protect their fertility and longevity. Bulls are late May. The bulls summer on grass and protein blocks to
started on a roughage-only diet and gradually transitioned to encourage slow but steady growth for optimum longevity and
a low mega-cal ration that never exceeds 50 mega-cals. fertility.
In September, we bring the bulls into the lot and put them on
a 48 mega-cal ration consisting of chopped hay, sorghum-
sudan haylage, cracked corn and DDGs. The bulls stay on this
ration until sale time.
LELAND HEIFER DEVELOPMENT We strive to promote steady growth, sound foot development
The heifers are wintered on a roughage-only ration to and healthy, active potency so they are prolific breeders and
restrict the ADG to no more than 1.5 lbs per day which is maintain their body condition throughout breeding season.
optimal for breeding performance.
Purchases are the responsibility of the new
owner. We strongly encourage you to insure
your bulls. Coverage is affordable and a good
business practice.
Ask for specific details at the clerking desk or
contact Jeff Thomas.
Jeff Thomas • 406-581-8859
Jeff Thomas
All sale bulls have been DNA profiled through GeneSeek’s GGP-uLD test.
This ensures our For those who would
customers have like to gain even more
the most accurate genetic knowledge of
information available to make their purchasing decisions. your cowherd, consider
With the GGP-uLD profile, the bulls’ EPDs now have the same testing your replacement
accuracy as they would with their first calf crop reported and heifers with RAAA’s Red Navigator test, specifically designed
registered through the Red Angus Association of America. for high-percentage Red Angus females.
The GGP-uLD test also verifies parentage so you are assured • EPD percentile rankings for all traits
of the bloodlines you are buying. • Sire verification (if sire is DNA profiled)
• Follow-up from RAAA Marketing Team Member
We trust in the science behind the genomics and are • Potential qualification tool into Top Dollar Angus
committed to ensure more value in your purchases,
increasing the profitability of your calf crop. Identify your top replacements before breeding!
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