Page 45 - Diamonds in the Desert Premier All Breeds Horse Sale - Reno – May 25, 2022
P. 45

Premier Horse Sale – Reno

                                                 Sale Terms & Conditions

         Nomination & Grading Process -      •  The deposit and inspection of X-rays, and access to   bids. You’ll need to create an account with our online
         TOP HORSES ONLY SELL AT SALE          the repository are subject to our Repository Terms &   platform first. Once we have verified your accounts with
                                               Conditions listed on our website. All buyers accept the   your bank, we will send you an “approval to bid” email.
         •  Horses are nominated months in advance then scored
                                               Repository terms and conditions when accepting these   Watch for emails in your spam folder. If bidder refuses
          using our rubric.
                                               terms and bidding at sale.          to pay their invoice in full, the same fees for loss of
         •  Nomination Rubric (Click to View) - the higher the
                                             •  Each buyer is encouraged to instruct their registered   income and distress listed above will be applied to online
          trainer & their horse score, the better their chances are
                                               veterinarian to inspect the X-rays for each Lot and   bidders as well.
          of selling at our sale. Quality over quantity!
                                               physically inspect each Lot prior to the purchase   •  Phone Bidders & Absentee Bidders: Serious buyers
         •  12 scoring areas: Trainer Status, Ownership, Loyalty,
                                               thereof. As provided in the Standard Conditions of   only! There will be a 2% buyer’s premium fee applied to
          Pedigree, Age, Photos, Description, Conformation,
                                               Sale contained in the Sales Catalogue and on our   all phone and absentee winning bids. To bid on more
          Disposition, Body Condition, Bonus Points, &
                                               website, each Lot purchased is purchased, at the fall   than 4 horses, you are required to first pay $100 per
          Performance/Riding Ability. +3 “Superior” is the score
                                               of the hammer, with all defects and deficiencies, latent   additional head to bid. This payment is non-refundable
          to shoot for in each category.
                                               and patent, subject to the exceptions set out in the said   but will be applied to your final statement if you
         •  Our job is to ensure each horse is a good fit for our sale
                                               Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, or, announced   purchase a horse. In order to bid, you will need to fill
          and buyers as well as our sale is a good fit for all horses
                                               prior to the auction of a Lot. The Buyer acknowledges   out our phone/absentee bidding form to submit with a
          and trainers alike.
                                               that it is his sole responsibility to determine the quality,   copy of your driver’s license. Our clerks will contact you
                                               accuracy and completeness of the Pre-purchase Exam   for a form of payment to have on file. New bidders need
         Sifting Process @ the Sale            and to obtain independent advice with respect thereto   to provide us with their bank contact information, bank
         •  Arena work – Catch, saddle, all 4-feet easily picked up,   from a registered veterinarian.  account number, and copy of driver’s license. If bidder
          bridle, ride off with tight cinch – no problem and lope                  refused to pay their invoice in full, the same fees for loss
          away.                              Bidding                               of income and distress listed above will be applied to
         •  Minor abrasions, cuts, or sores may be sifted unless it is             phone bidders as well.
                                             Bidders have 4 options to bid: onsite, online, phone,
          likely to heal normally without veterinarian treatment                  •  Agent Bidders: Buyer and agent are required to fill out
                                             or agent bidding. See our “Register to Bid” page to get
          and cause no long-term threat.                                           the Agent’s Authorization Form and include a copy of
                                             registered for our next sale. All bidders must be at least
         •  Trainer understands that if their horse doesn’t pass all               the agent and bidder’s driver’s license. Our clerks will
                                             18 years of age. Online bidders nor any pre-bids will
          stages of Premier Horse Sale’s sifting process, they will                contact the buyer for a form of payment to have on file.
                                             have precedence over floor bids. All bids are placed to the
          be pulled from the sale and consignment fee is forfeited.
                                             auctioneer and auctioneer accepts the ones he sees/hears
          If we decide they’re out, they are OUT! Bring your   first. Setting max bids online does not guarantee the bidder  Payment
                                             winning for that amount over a floor bidder. To avoid this   Payment in full is required to be made to MM Auction
                                             happening, make sure your max is truly your max or bid live   Services immediately after the sale. Onsite bidders can pay
         Pre-purchase Soundness Exam & Images  online or by phone past your max.  by credit card, cash or check. A 3% convenience fee will
         Trainers are required to provide a pre-purchase soundness   The highest bidder is the buyer. If any dispute arises   be charged if payments are made with a credit or debit
         exam including images. X-rays required consist of AP   between or among two or more bidders, sole authority to   card (4% international). Online and phone bidders have
         and Lateral radiographs of the navicular as well as   settle the dispute as he sees fit is reserved by the auctioneer   2 payment choices only, credit card or ACH (e-check).
         Skyline Navicular views and oblique views of the hocks   and the decisions shall be final. Seller reserves the right to   Make sure you plan accordingly and notify your bank of
         (LateralMedial & MedialLateral).    waive the sale (bids) of his/her horse before it leaves the   the charges. Any returned e-check charges will be accessed
         •  Buyers understand that if they want additional images   ring. The auctioneer reserves the right to reject any or all   a $500 fee and required to wire the balance same day plus
          of horses or a pre-purchase exam of their own, they will   bids. The auctioneer completes sale of a horse at the fall of   the $500 fee. Any credit card payments declined by the
          have those done ahead of sale time at buyers’ expense.   the gavel. We reserve the right to refuse bidding to anyone   buyer’s bank for any reason will be assessed a $500 fee and
         •  All horses selling at Premier Horse Sales are required to   any one can/will be asked to leave or banned from bidding   required to wire the balance same day plus the $500 fee.
          have a pre-purchase soundness exam done by a licensed   if problems arise.   International bidders have 2 payment options of credit/
          veterinarian in order to sell.     •  International Bidders: Register onsite, online, or by   debit card (4% convenience fee) or wire transfer only. By
         •  PPEs can be done as early as 4 months before sale   phone. A letter from your bank is required to be an   making payment, you acknowledge that you waive the
          day but no sooner. Vets are required to upload PPE   approved bidder. Email a letter on your banks letterhead   right for a return of horse(s) along with any and all refunds
          information to our website, repository page, as early as 1   stating you bank with them and all accounts are in good   of monies paid etc. in conjunction with any purchases at
          month before the sale but no later than 2 weeks prior to   standing. Email to   this sale/auction from MM Auction Services, LLC DBA
          sale day.                          •  Onsite Bidders: Register at the sale office anytime by   Premier Horse Sales. MM Auction Services is a pass-
         •  Some trainers will include stifle x-rays as well as others   bringing your driver’s license and credit card as a form   through agency and does not hold funds for guarantees,
          but it’s not required. If buyers want more than the   of payment to have on file whether you plan to pay this   returns or refunds of monies paid on animals purchased
          required PPE and images, they are required to get it   way or not.      at auction. All current county and state sales tax rates will
          done before the sale at their expense.  •  Online Bidders: Online Bidding is provided by   be applied to all winning bids. In order to be tax exempt,
         •  X-rays are viewable on our website as early as 1 month   our company, MM Auction Services, LLC. Go to   appropriate forms will need to be filled out and to our
          before sale day up to sale day and then the system and you can find it under   office BEFORE sale day or exemption will not be granted.
          automatically deletes them when the gavel drops. We   current auctions at that link. Click on “Buyer Resources”   All buyers agree to not place any kind of charge back on
          do not keep x-rays past sale day, hence it’s called a pre-  to get started or call with questions. There will be a   any payment made towards the purchase of any horse.
          purchase exam and not a post purchase exam.  1% online buyers fee applied to all online winning

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