Page 8 - Red Hill Farms Bulls & Females of Fall – Oct. 29, 2022
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ProS .... Profitability and Sustainability is an all-purpose index that predicts average economic
differences in all segments in the beef supply chain. This index is a combination of the breeding
objectives modeled in the HerdBuilder and GridMaster selection indexes. In this index, replacement
heifers are retained from within the herd and all remaining progeny are fed out to slaughter and sold
on a quality-based grid. Traits included in this index include calving ease, growth, HPG, STAY, Mature
Weight, Dry Matter Intake and carcass traits. The resulting index is expressed in dollars per head born
(Index/High Value).
HB ...... HerdBuilder is a maternal selection index that predicts the economic differences of animals
for traits that are important from conception through weaning. Expressed as dollars per head born, HB
is calculated based on the scenario that bulls are mated to heifers and cows, replacement heifers are
retained and all remaining progeny are marketed at weaning. Traits included in the HB index include
Calving Ease Direct, Calving Ease Maternal, Weaning Weight, Milk, Mature Weight, Heifer Pregnancy and
Stayability (Index/High Value).
GM...... GridMaster is a selection index that predicts the average economic difference of non-
replacement calves through the post-weaning phase of production. GM places selection pressure on
growth, feedyard performance and carcass traits. Expressed as dollars per head born, GM is calculated
based on the scenario that progeny are fed out to slaughter and marketed on a quality-based carcass
grid. Traits included in GM include Average Daily Gain, Carcass Weight, Dry Matter Intake, Marbling,
Back Fat and Rib Eye Area (Index/High Value).
CED ..... Calving Ease Direct predicts differences CEM .... Calving Ease Maternal predicts
in the percent of calves born unassisted out of differences in the percent of daughters who are
2-year-old dams. (Percent/High Value) able to calve unassisted as 2-year-old heifers.
(Percent/High Value)
BW...... Birth Weight predicts differences in
actual birth weight of progeny. (Pounds/Low STAY.... Stayability predicts differences in the
Value) ability of an animals’ retained daughters to
remain productive in the herd – calve every year –
WW ..... Weaning Weight predicts differences in through 6 years of age. (Percent/High Value)
205-day weaning weight. (Pounds/High Value)
MARB .. Marbling predicts differences in
YW...... Yearling Weight predicts differences in marbling score – amount of intramuscular fat
365-day yearling weight. (Pounds/High Value) measured at the 13th rib. (Marbling Score Units/
ADG..... Average Daily Gain predicts differences High Value)
in weight gain between 205 and 365 days of age. YG ...... Yield Grade predicts differences in USDA
(Pounds/High Value) Yield Grade, which is calculated using CW, REA
DMI ..... Dry Matter Intake predicts differences in and Fat. (Yield Grade Units/Low Value)
daily feed intake as measured in a feedlot during CW...... Carcass Weight predicts differences in
the post-weaning period. (Pounds/Low Value) actual hot carcass weight. (Pounds/High Value)
MILK ... Milk predicts differences in weaning REA ..... Ribeye Area predicts differences in
weight attributed to the milking ability of the square inches of ribeye area measured at the 13th
animal’s daughters. (Pounds/High Value) rib.(Square Inches/High Value)
ME ...... Maintenance Energy predicts the FAT ..... Fat predicts differences in the depth of
difference in maintence energy requirements. backfat measured between the 12th and 13th ribs.
(Mcal per Month/Low Value) (Inches/Low Value)
HPG..... Heifer Pregnancy predicts differences in
the percent of daughters who are able to conceive
and calve at 2 years of age following exposure to
breeding. (Percent/High Value)
6 – Red Hill Farms