Page 4 - Spitzer Ranch Profit Maker Online Bull Sale – Oct. 1, 2022
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2022 Profit Maker Bull Sale – Profitable Genetics from Performance Cattlemen

            LOT #                   NAME                    REG. #   DATE OF BIRTH  GEN DEFECT  Paternal Grandsire  Paternal Great Grandsire
                     CED  BW    WW   YW    SC   REA  IMF  TERM  MK   TM    HP    STAY  Sire             Paternal Great Granddam
                      1    2    3     4    5    6     7    8     9   10    11   12     Maternal Granddam  Paternal Great Grandsire
                     13   13    13   13   13    13   13    13   13   13    13   13                      Paternal Great Granddam
               BREED      CURVE BENDER   CALVING EASE   GROWTH  CARCASS   DAMS’S AGE   #C   DOC   PRICE  Maternal Grandsire  Maternal Great Grandsire
                14           15         16      17   18       19     20    21    22   Dam               Maternal Great Granddam
         Comments                                                                      Maternal Granddam  Maternal Great Grandsire
                                                                                                        Maternal Great Granddam

                     GE-EPD EXPRESSED IN CALVES                 12.  STAY – Stayability –  Measures the likelihood that a cow will re-
                     SIRED BY AN INDIVIDUAL BULL                    main in the herd thru 6-YRs of age. A higher number is more de-
        1.  CED – Calving Ease Direct –  Expressed as a percentage and in-  sirable.
            dicates the direct influence of this bull on calving ease in 2-YR-       13.  % RANK –  To make it easier to evaluate EPD, the percentile rank-
            OLDs. A higher number predicts greater calving ease or less dys-  ing is shown below each individual EPD. This is a great way to
            tocia for this bull’s calves when born to first-calf heifers.  understand where the individual ranks in the breed for that EPD.
        2.  BW – Birth Weight –  Expressed in pounds and predicts calf size   For example, where it shows “10%,” this means that EPD value
            and weight at birth.                                    is in the highest, or TOP 10%, of all non-parent bulls in the entire
        3.  WW - Weaning Weight –  Expressed in pounds and predicts   breed. Conversely, “10%” also means that “90%” of all non-par-
            growth potential from birth to weaning age.             ent bulls in the breed have a lower EPD for that trait. (A 10% for
        4.  YW -Yearling Weight –  Expressed in pounds and predicts overall   BW, however, means lowest, or lightest birthweight.)
            growth potential and post-weaning gain to yearling age.  14.  BREED –  Straight Brangus (BN) bulls are so indicated. Brangus
        5.  SC - Scrotal Circumference –  Expressed in centimeters and pre-  Percentage Ultrablack bulls are so indicated. Ultrablack (UB) are
            dicts testicle size.                                    black in color, BN X ANGUS (AN) and are indicated with %BN:%AN.
        6.  REA - Ribeye Area –  Expressed in square inches and predicts   ALL GE-EPD are computed on the Brangus System.
            ribeye size and overall muscle mass.                    By  Brangus  Association  rules,  75%BN:25%AN  bulls  can  be
        7.  IMF - Intramuscular Fat –  Expressed in percent (%IMF) and pre-  used on Registered Brangus cows to produce First Generation
            dicts marbling ability and quality grade.               Registered Brangus. Therefore, in our opinion, you can use the
        8.  TERM – Terminal Index –  Is a bio-economic index which consid-  75%BN:25%AN bulls as if they were 100% Brangus.
            ers six Growth and Carcass related traits. Each trait is weighted   15.  CURVE BENDER –  ***** Ultimate Extreme Curve Bender to *
            according to its heritability and economic importance in a feed-  Above Average Curve Bender
            lot situation with the carcass valued by weight, yield and quality   16.  CALVING EASE STARS –  ***** Ultimate Calving Ease to * Good
            grade. The absolute EPD value is expressed in standard deviation   Calving Ease
            terms (statistical terms) which can be difficult to comprehend.   17.  GROWTH STARS –  ***** Ultimate Growth to * Good Growth
            Therefore, IBBA recommends cattlemen evaluate the percent rank   18.  CARCASS STARS –   ***** Ultimate Carcass to * Good Carcass
            - % RANK rather than the actual index value.        19.  DAM AGE –  Age of dam at the time of birth of this bull.
                                                                20.  #C –  Number of calves born to this dam. If she calved every year,
                  GE-EPD EXPRESSED BY DAUGHTERS                     it should be 1 less than her age. ET indicates embryo transfer
                                                                    donor cow.
                        OF AN INDIVIDUAL BULL                   21.  DOC –  The Beef Improvement Federation Temperament Score
        9.  MK – Milk –  Expressed in pounds and predicts the maternal con-  from 1 = Docile to 6 = Very Aggressive.
            tribution a bull passes to his daughters. In reality measures that   22.  PRICE –  Each bull in the sale has a unique STARTING BID. Bulls
            portion of calf weaning weight attributed to milk production and   not sold during auction will be available (First-Come-First-Served)
            mothering ability.                                      at that price thru the end of October. After then that price is not
        10.  TM - Total Maternal –  Expressed in pounds and predicts the   guaranteed.
            overall weaning weight of calves from   daughters of a bull due
            to the combination of growth potential AND milk production and   NOTE:  GE-EPD highlighted in yellow Rank in Top One-Fourth
            mothering ability.                                        (Top 25%) of all Non-Parent Brangus Bulls for that specific trait.
        11.  HP – Heifer Pregnancy –  Expressed as a percentage and indi-
            cates the probability that daughters of this bull will have a calf
            as a 2-YR-OLD. A higher number predicts a greater likelihood of
            calving by 2-YRs of age.

        4– Spitzer Ranch
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