Page 30 - Big Sky Elite Red Angus Female Sale – 1 pm MST - Dec. 7, 2022
P. 30

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        Bred Femalesar-Olds
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                                                                              GMRA PRINCESS 080H
                                                                              Birth Date:      Reg. #        Category:
                                                                              2/3/20          4293453       100% 1A
                                                                  LJC MERLIN 937Z      LJC MERLIN T179
                                                               KCC EXCELLENCE 139-774  | TR CARRIE WT937
                                                                                       SCHULER ENVY 7342T
                                                                  139 1KCC            | KCC MISS BV 2105-528
                                                                  GMRA LARAMIE 5110    LCC CHEYENNE B221L   ProS  HB  GM
                                                               GMRA PRINCESS 181      | GMRA LAKOTA 341     120  72  48
                                                                                       BROWN VACATION H7106
                                                                  ZOE PRINCESS 781    | GMRA PRINCESS 410   13%  29%  18%
                                                                CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI  M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA  FAT
                                                                 12  -1.0  65  114  0.31  1.67  34  6  15  8  16  0.32  0.05  33  0.21  0.01
                                                                 52%  61%  26%  11%  4%  76%  3%  71%  10%  27%  51%  64%  40%  11%  22%  28%
                                                               Bred to: BIEBER HEAVILY ARMED E392 (#3752457)    Due Date: 3/23/23
                                                               Here is a highly performance-minded Excellence x Laramie cross. The phenotype is all there, with
                                                               a strong topline and extra length. She is already making her mark on the GMRA herd, weaning a
                                Lot 74                         beautiful heifer calf that took a 66# BW all the way to a 115 WR. The EPDs are strong with all but
                                                               5 in the top 50% of the breed. All indices are in the top 29% of the breed or higher. Growth and
                                                               carcass are strong across the board. This is as complete as it gets!
                                                                              GMRA OPHELIA 085H
                                                                              Birth Date:      Reg. #        Category:
                                                                              2/8/20          4293463       100% 1A
                                                                  FEDDES SILVER BOW B226  BROWN JYJ REDEMPTION Y1334
                                                               FEDDES BRUNSWICK D202  | FEDDES LAKINA Y17
                                                                                       FEDDES BIG SKY R9
                                                                  FEDDES LARKABU X21  | FEDDES LARKABU 827
                                                                  BIEBER ROOSEVELT W384  BIEBER ROUGH RIDER 10712   ProS  HB  GM
                                                               GMRA OPHELIA 485       | BIEBER SHEBA 9602   94  68  27
                                                                                       LJC MISSION STATEMENT P27
                                                                  GMRA OPHELIA 164    | GMRA OPHELIA 728    44%  36%  56%
                                                                CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI  M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA  FAT
                                                                  7  2.8  74  109  0.22  1.99  25  5   9   1  21  0.37  -0.14  28  0.74  0.01
                                                                 95%  98%  6%  17%  46%  94%  50%  62%  80%  99%  5%  51%  1%  21%  1%  28%
                                                               Bred to: C-T PERFORMANCE 0135 (#4296309)    Due Date: 3/23/23
                                                               Don’t miss this opportunity to take home this impressive Brunswick daughter. Her first calf took
                                                               an 81# BW to a 110 WR, giving her an MPPA of 104. She has a maternal pedigree with top-notch
                                Lot 75                         producers, including herd-leading MPPAs of 109 and 108. There is a strong set of numbers with
                                                               outstanding growth and carcass, featuring a 1% YG and REA. And just look at that phenotype – the
                                                               picture says it all!
                                                                              GMRA LAKOTA 058H
                                                                              Birth Date:      Reg. #        Category:
                                                                              1/25/20         4293411       100% 1A
                                                                  5L INDEPENDENCE 560-298Y  BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199
                                                               BROWN-CH INDEPENDENCE D5670 | 5L BLACK ADINA 525-560
                                                                                       BECKTON EPIC R397 K
                                                                  CH PRILARK 3063     | CH PRILARK 850U
                                                                  FRITZ JUSTICE 8013   VGW JUSTICE 614      ProS  HB  GM
                                                               GMRA LAKOTA 596        | FRITZ CHRIS 6047    115  51  64
                                                                                       HXC CONQUEST 4405P
                                                                  GMRA LAKOTA 336     | GMRA LAKOTA 161     18%  67%  5%
                                                                CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI  M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA  FAT
                                                                 21  -6.4  57  102  0.28  1.44  38  7  11  13  13  0.69  0.10  21  0.04  0.02
                                                                 1%  1%  54%  30%  11%  54%  1%  75%  49%  1%  82%  5%  67%  46%  56%  67%
                                                               Bred to: GMRA APACHE 0233H (#4293179)     Due Date: 4/26/23
                                                               Wow – this Lakota family member has already turned in an MPPA of 107! Her first calf hit the
                                                               ground at 72# and weaned off with a whopping 118 WR and an adjusted 205-day weight of 721#.
                                Lot 76                         A strong EPD set showcases 6 in the top 5% of the breed. The numbers profile a calving ease
                                                               specialist with top 1% CED, BW, Milk, and CEM. Just think what she can do – put them on the
                                                               ground easy and then accelerate the growth.

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