Page 5 - Big Sky Elite Red Angus Female Sale – 1 pm MST - Dec. 7, 2022
P. 5

                                                                                            e Oppor
                                                                                     Elite Opportunity

                                                                              C-T ABIGRACE 1118
                                                                              Birth Date:       Reg. #       Category:
                                                                              2/11/21         4468551       100% 1A
                                                                  BROWN JYJ REDEMPTION Y1334  BECKTON NEBULA P P707
                                                                C-T RED ROCK 5033     | JYJ MS JOLENE W16
                                                                                       RED CROWFOOT OLE’S OSCAR
                                                                  C-T VERDI 1030      | CTDB VERDI 904
                                                                  RREDS SENECA 731C    BIEBER ROLLIN DEEP Y118   ProS  HB  GM
                                                                C-T ABIGRACE 9051     | RREDS ASTER 309A    116  64  52
                                                                                       BIEBER MAKE MIMI 7249
                                                                  C-T ABIGRACE 6064   | BROWN MS ABIGRACE Z7908   18%  35%  21%
                                                                CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI  M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA  FAT
                                                                 15  -3.5  71  120  0.31  2.13  31  13  11  8  18  0.52  0.10  36  0.19  0.02
                                                                 21%  21%  14%  9%  6%  96%  6%  95%  58%  26%  20%  26%  69%  11%  35%  54%
                                                                Bred to: BIEBER ENERGIZE F121 (#3958815)    Due Date: 2/10/23
                                                                We feel this Red Rock x Seneca bred heifer may be as good of one as we have ever raised. She has
                                                                a show stopping phenotype with a beautiful foot and leg set, and front end. She has extra length
                                Lot 1                           of spine, good volume and rib shape. She stems from one of the most famous and proven cow
                                                                families in the history of the Red Angus breed “The Abigrace’s”. These cows have worked in any
                                                                herds for a long time and could be one to work in yours. Her dam comes with a 105 MPPA and is
                                                                a beautiful Seneca x Make Mimi. The Red Rock daughters have been time tested and have risen
                                                                to the top many times. They are very maternal cows with great feet and udders. 1118 also sports a
                                                                solid EPD package with 11 traits in the top 21% of the breed which proves personal performance
                                                                with 115 WR and 113 YR. To round it off, she is bred to one of the breeds hottest sires, Bieber
                                                                Energize F121 for a February calf. Take a long look at this breed leading female on sale day!

                                                                              PICK OF FEDDES HEIFER CALVES

                                                               For the first time in four years Feddes Red Angus is selling pick of heifer calves,  all of the 2022
                                                               born heifer calves are included. In 2021 we had the top selling female at the Prestigous NILE sale,
                                                               and also the two top sellers at Bet on Red at $30,000 and $23,000. Cow families include Blockana,
                                                               Lakina, Sleek, Tina, Osce and more. Sires include Red Rock, Reputation, Resource 137E, Tread-
                                                               stone, Stockmarket, Rambler 5162 and others.

                      Feddes Blockana 9130-099
          2021 NILE high-selling bred heifer and sale topper for $11,500

        Catalog online at • Video online at                Big Sky Elite Female Sale – 3
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