Page 62 - Big Sky Elite Red Angus Female Sale – 1 pm MST - Dec. 7, 2022
P. 62

                    e C
        Mature Cows
                                                                              FEDS BLOCKANA C34-9012
                                                                              Birth Date:       Reg. #       Category:
                                                                              2/6/19          4116426       100% 1A
                                                                  5L ADVANTAGE 3267-221Y  BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199
                                                                5L BOURNE 117-48A     | 5L ADINA 195-3267
                                                                                       5L SIGNATURE 5615
                                                                  5L ROXIE 854-117    | XXX ROXIE 854 MR
                                                                  ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240  ANDRAS IN FOCUS B152   ProS  HB  GM
                                                                FEDDES BLOCKANA 8121-C34  | ANDRAS KURUBA B111   88  46  43
                                                                                       5L FOREVER GRAND 5834
                                                                  FEDDES BLOCKANA 8121  | FEDDES BLOCKANA 173   54%  75%  26%
                                                                CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI  M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA  FAT
                                                                 11  -1.5  79  122  0.27  1.95  27  2  18  5  11  0.43  0.09  41  0.39  0.03
                                                                 63%  52%  2%  5%  13%  92%  32%  47%  1%  87%  93%  37%  64%  3%  6%  83%
                                                                Bred to: FEDDES COACH WOODEN 0237 (#4289099)    Due Date: 5/3/23
                                                                9012 is an extremely exciting young cow that we hate to see go.  She boasts an MPPA of 103 and
                                                                averages of Weaning Ratio of 105, Yearling Ratio of 105, IMF Ratio of 112 and a Ribeye Ratio
                               Lot 165                          of 113. She has absolutely knocked it out of the park on both tries so far.  She is bred to Coach
                                                                Wooden who is making a name for himself in our herd being used both AI as well as naturally
                                                                when he’s not in California where he breeds for his new owners in their fall program.  There are
                                                                generations of outstanding females behind this cow in the Blockana family and she is definitely
                                                                living up to that cow family’s reputation.  Bid with confidence on this one as her track record proves
                                                                what she can do.

                                                                              FEDDES LAKINA D2-935
                                                                              Birth Date:       Reg. #       Category:
                                                                              1/30/19         4124264       100% 1A
                                                                  PIE ONE OF A KIND 352  BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199
                                                                FEDDES MAGGIO 806-E303  | PIE FAYETTE 1160
                                                                                       BIEBER ROMERO 9136
                                                                  FEDDES SLEEK 806    | FEDDES SLEEK 2S
                                                                  BIEBER MAKE MIMI 7249  BJR MAKE MY DAY 981   ProS  HB  GM
                                                                FEDDES LAKINA X113-D2  | BIEBER SIRENA 6708   96  63  33
                                                                                       RED SIX MILE SAKIC 832S
                                                                  FEDDES LAKINA X113  | FEDDES LAKINA 310   42%  45%  43%
                                                                CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI  M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA  FAT
                                                                 12  -1.9  75  118  0.27  2.02  29  11  12  8  17  0.34  0.16  41  0.10  0.02
                                                                 50%  44%  5%  7%  14%  95%  23%  91%  45%  35%  43%  59%  90%  3%  42%  65%
                                                                Bred to: FEDDES COACH WOODEN 0237 (#4289099)    Due Date: 4/13/23
                                                                These Maggio E303 daughters are really doing a great job. They have nearly perfect udders on a
                                                                good set of feet. She combines the Sleek & Lakina cow families.
                               Lot 166

                                                                              FEDDES BLOCKANA A16-864
                                                                              Birth Date:       Reg. #       Category:
                                                                              2/13/18         3992740       100% 1A
                                                                  5L OUT IN FRONT 1701-457B  C-T THE QUEST 1103
                                                                LASO FRONT ROW X37D   | 5L FIREFLY 3109-1701
                                                                                       BASIN HOBO 79E
                                                                  LASO LEANNA BC114R  | LASO LEANNA BC 114
                                                                  HXC CONQUEST 4405P   BECKTON JULIAN GG B571   ProS  HB  GM
                                                                FEDDES BLOCKANA 9130  A16  | HXC ELLIE MAY MA638   102  58  44
                                                                                       FEDDES BIG SKY R9
                                                                  FEDDES BLOCKANA 9130  | FEDDES BLOCKANA 7178   33%  55%  24%
                                                                CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI  M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA  FAT
                                                                 13  -2.0  64  108  0.28  1.65  34  12  9   9  17  0.34  0.02  29  0.28  0.01
                                                                 32%  42%  30%  18%  10%  74%  4%  93%  84%  14%  38%  59%  25%  19%  14%  32%
                                                                Bred to: FEDDES MERLIN 820-1278 (#4477321)    Due Date: 5/3/23
                                                                The Front Row daughters are working very well! She has 11 traits in the top 1/3 of the breed. She
                                                                has a great future in front of her!
                               Lot 167

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