Page 22 - ND Red Select Sale – Dec. 10, 2022 - Red Angus Heifers
P. 22

43 43    HRP STONY 8116 K209               OPEN HEIFER

                                                                 ProS  HB  GM    BIRTH DATE   REG. #   CATEGORY:   BW:   WW:
                                                                 120  58  63  2/7/22  4623681  100% 1A  76  622
                                                                 14%  47%  9%     Consigned by HANSINE RANCH PARTNERSHIP
                                                                 CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                  19  -5.4  68  120  0.32  1.47  31  7  13  10  14  0.71  -0.06  12  0.39  0.02
                                                                 2%  4%  21%  10%  4%  52%  8%  72%  20%  6%  66%  6%   6%  87%  8%  63%
                                                                   PIE STOCKMAN 4051           LSF SAGA 1040Y
                                                               PIE QUARTERBACK 789            | PIE LAKOTA 046
                                                                                               PIE ONE OF A KIND 352
                                                                   PIE RUBY 520               | PIE RUBY 381
                                                                   BECKTON LIKABLE C643 L3     BECKTON LIKABLE U130 L2
                                                               9 MILE STONY 6227-8116         | BECKTON MINOLA X107 L
                                                                                               5L INDEPENDENCE 560-298Y
                                                                   9 MILE STONY W928-6227     | C-BAR STONY W928
                                Lot 43
        As this year’s calf crop was born and weaned we noticed early how amazing   her this year and decided to offer one of the best heifers in the Red Select
        the calves were looking. Of course, as we dug into the parentage, we were   Sale. K209 is a deep-bodied, feminine heifer with excellent feet and udder
        disappointed to find out many of our favorites were from a donor cow that died   much like her mother. Blended with the growth and power from her sire, PIE
        early this spring, 9 Mile Stony 6227-8116. We were blessed with 8 calves from   Quarterback 789, she’s a female to build a program around.

                                                                                                            OPEN HEIFER
                                                                 44 44    HRP COVER GIRL D6437 K253

                                                                 ProS  HB  GM    BIRTH DATE   REG. #   CATEGORY:   BW:   WW:
                                                                 141  64  77  3/9/22  4641109  100% 1A  70  572
                                                                 3%  34%  2%      Consigned by HANSINE RANCH PARTNERSHIP
                                                                 CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                  13  -5.0  63  103  0.25  1.73  29  8  16  8  15  0.77  0.07  40  0.36  0.02
                                                                 40%  6%  40%  35%  31%  77%  17%  77%  3%  35%  54%  4%  56%  5%  11%  63%
                                                                   LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z       LSF NEXTPECTATION 0083X
                                                               KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E        | LCOC ZARA TG004
                                                                                               BECKTON NEBULA P P707
                                                                   HXC 507C                   | HXC    502R
                                                                   LSF NIGHT CALVER 9921W      MESSMER PACKER S008
                                                               LSF SRR COVR GRL T7157 D6437   | LSF DELLA P4078 U8051
                                                                                               LCB JEWEL MAKER N155
                                                                   LSF COVER GIRL LA414 T7157  | LSF LOGAN H1375 LA414
                                Lot 44
        Looking for muscle, shape and tons of genetic potential – look no further than   is an opportunity to get a top-notch daughter. She has plenty of growth and
        HRP Cover Girl D6437 K253. Hands down our favorite and most impressive   tremendous carcass EPDs paired with a very attractive phenotype and is
        sire group over the past two years have been KLJ/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E   structurally outstanding. From a very productive Night Calver daughter, the
        progeny, now with the loss of the bull and very limited semen available here   maternal lineage of this is heifer is outstanding!

                                                                 45 45    JACOBSON SADIE 2020               OPEN HEIFER

                                                                 ProS  HB  GM    BIRTH DATE   REG. #   CATEGORY:   BW:   WW:
                                                                 102  55  47  2/3/22  4664923  100% 1A  84  597
                                                                 35%  52%  30%           Consigned by JACOBSON RED ANGUS
                                                                 CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                  15  -2.7  72  123  0.32  2.20  29  16  11  9  16  0.60  0.15  28  0.24  0.06
                                                                 19%  33%  12%  7%  4%  98%  17%  98%  52%  14%  39%  15%  89%  32%  26%  99%
                                                                   PIE QUARTERBACK 789          PIE STOCKMAN 4051
                                                                PIE CAPTAIN 057                | PIE RUBY 520
                                                                                                9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305
                                                                   PIE BONNE BEL 852          | PIE BONNE BEL 6232
                                                                   KF RITO 3115                 S A V RESOURCE 1441
                                                                JACOBSON SADIE 7122            | KF ERICA 849
                                                                                                5L BLAZIN NORSE 1134-222W
                                                                   JACOBSON SADIE 3151        | JACOBSON SADIE R5067
                                Lot 45
        It’s great to have Jacobson’s back at the ND Red Select Sale, especially   calf! Her sire, PIE Captain 057, first came on the scene when he topped
        when he brings us a heifer like this beauty! Sadie 2020 is a maternal sister   Pieper’s ’20 Spring Bull Sale for $150,000. His first progeny hit the ground this
        to Jacobson Mechanic 9118, the powerful herd sire whose progeny blew the   spring and earned him one of the biggest EPD profiles in the business, with
        doors off at their bull sale this spring. Her dam, Sadie 7122, is a very produc-  a 19 CED and -6.0 BW to 119 YW EPD spread. Captain combines two of the
        tive and beautiful black/red carrier outcross daughter of KF Rito 3115, a SAV   most sought-after bulls in the business with his sire, PIE Quarterback 789,
        Resource 1441 son out of a Basin Max 602C dam. The 3115 daughters are   and his maternal grandsire, 9 Mile Franchise 6305.
        some of the best producing females ever at Jake’s – they will flat raise a big

        20 – North Dakota Red Select Sale                                              Catalog online at
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