Page 32 - Loonan Stock Farm – Feb. 4, 2023
P. 32
Hybrid Sale Bulls
Tag Sire Poll Birth Birth 9-7 205 10-24 49 11-22 29 12-13 21 97 Price
Horn Date Wt. Wt. Adj. Wt. Day Wt. Day Wt. Day Day
Color Scur Wt. ADG ADG ADG ADG
%Sim Red Ang Dam
Calf Reg. # EPD's
R17Y PROFIT BUILD DP 3/9/22 121 612 656 784 3.66 856 2.48 962 5.05 3.61 $4,000
Red SF Earthquake K282 (1149W Sim) x KS Blizzard L59 (979N) x ASR Bold Red One H860 (895K) x 653B Frame Score 6.2
1/2 RA 1/2 Sim | C.E. 4.9 | B.W. 3.7 |W.W. 83.6 | Y.W. 131.1 |MWW 70.2 | MILK 28.5 | STAY 19.8
CARCASS Dam: 4.4 5.6 82.7 129.8 75.6 34.3 25.4
MA .31 Sire: 5 1.8 85 132 NA 23 14
RE .55 BW History of Dam on 11 Calves: Range 76-121 Ave. 97# Cow Wt. 1395
BF -.033 API 127.1 TI 77.6 DNA Heterozygous Red Impressive to see, extremly thick and stylish. His dam has a lot of frame.
He could throw gray calves because he is heterozygous red. Weaning ratio of 112 and ranked 9/32. Five maternal brothers
had Rib Eyes of 10.86, 14.99, 15.88, 14.06 and 17.11, four Choice and one Select marbling. His dam has a average Weaning
ratio of 102 and Yearling ratio of 101 on 11 Calves. Top 4% of the breed for MWW, 10% for Weaning and Yearling Weight,
and 15% Milk. Simmental figures.
R18Y HARDROCK H32 DP 3/9/22 109 608 670 766 3.36 866 3.45 942 3.62 3.44 $4,000
Red SR Duke B109 (2495F Red A) x Larson Totem 150 (1976A) x Larson Timberland 319-8 (1228S) x 567G Frame Score 6.5
1/2 Sim 1/2 RA | C.E. 9 | B.W. 1.9 |W.W. 75 | Y.W. 117 |M.E. 9 | MILK 26 | STAY 17
CARCASS Dam: 7 3.4 65 106 18 25 18
MA .23 Sire: 11.5 0.3 84.8 127.3 |MWW 69.8 27.4 15.9
RE .55 BW History of Dam on 3 Calves: Range 79-109 Ave. 96# Cow Wt. 1250
BF -.05 ProS 112 HB 61 GM 52 DNA Homozygous Red Performance pedigree on the female side. He has a Weaning ratio
of 124 and ranked 1/17 and his dam has a MPPA of 100. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 12.99, Select marbling. Top
2% of the breed for REA, 7% Weaning Weight and 12% Yearling Weight. Red Angus figures.
R19Y SHARP SHOOT DP 3/9/22 74 510 550 712 4.3 828 4.0 914 4.10 4.16 $4,000
Red Larson Totem 150 (2439E Red A) x Beckton Warrior R577 (1672X) x Shoco Firefly V83 (687M) x R722 Frame Score 5.95
1/2 Sim 1/2 RA | C.E. 15 | B.W. -1 |W.W. 80 | Y.W. 134 |M.E. 14 | MILK 31 | STAY 15
CARCASS Dam: 13 -0.7 71 131 27 35 16
MA .52 Sire: 17.5 -1.3 88.1 136.5 |MWW 69.2 27.2 13.6
RE .65 BW History of Dam on 3 Calves: Range 74-80 Ave. 78# Cow Wt. 1395
BF -.02 ProS 148 HB 65 GM 84 DNA Homozygous Red Bred alike E.P.D's for being from two different breed associations. He
has a Weaning ratio of 102 and his dam has a MPPA of 106. Gaining over 4# per day for 97 days. Two maternal brothers had
Rib Eyes of 12.12 and 13.58 both Choice plus marbling. Top 1% of the breed for REA and GM, 2% Yearling Weight, ProS, 3%
Weaning Weight and 6% Milk. High performance and Milk which doesn't always happen. Red Angus figures.
R20Y HARDROCK H32 DP 3/13/22 90 504 559 646 3.02 724 2.69 806 3.90 3.11 $3,500
Red TR Julian TT780 (1697Y Red A) x LSFR Pure Country 16P (1342T) x Shoco Firefly V83 (596L) x 307G Frame Score 5.26
1/2 SIM 1/2 RA | C.E 11 | B.W. 0.4 |W.W. 72 | Y.W. 104 |M.E. -5 | MILK 26 | STAY 19
CARCASS Dam: 10 0.4 58 80 -10 24 22
MA .3 Sire: 11.5 0.3 84.8 127.3 |MWW 69.8 27.4 15.9
RE .48 BW History of Dam on 10 Calves: Range 83-102 Ave. 89# Cow Wt. 1270
BF -.04 ProS 136 HB 93 GM 43 DNA Homozygous Red Weaning ratio of 104, ranked 8/17. Five maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of
11.72, 15.95, 11.69, 14.74 and 14.55 all Choice marbling. Top 3% of the breed for Herd Builder, 4% Rib Eye, 5% ProS, 9%
Stay and 13% Weaning Weight. Red Angus figures.
R21Y REBOURN 9073 DP 3/21/22 86 592 661 730 2.94 844 3.93 932 4.19 3.51 $4,000
Red TI Thundar 859Z (1328B Sim) x SF Earthquake K282 (1154W) x LRS Red Reality 33J (952M) x 895K Frame Score 5.61
1/2 RA 1/2 Sim | C.E. 11.8 | B.W. -1.8 |W.W. 70.7 | Y.W. 110.1 |MWW 66.3 | MILK 31 | STAY 19.3
CARCASS Dam: 8.5 1 76.2 113.1 70.1 32 21.3
MA .36 Sire: 15 -4.6 65 107 NA 30 17
RE .54 BW History of Dam on 7 Calves: Range 65-102 Ave. 85# Cow Wt. 1575
BF -.033 API 142.1 TI 97.2 DNA Homozygous Red High performance figures but also high Milk. Related to R13Y with the 952M
dam. He has a Weaning ratio of 113, ranked 6/32. One maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 14.95, Choice plus marbling. His
dam has a ave Weaning ratio of 108. Top 3% of the breed for Milk, 10% Birthweight, 15% MWW and Stay. Simmental figures.
R24Y CLIFFTOP C186 DP 3/22/22 81 457 509 644 3.98 738 3.24 810 3.43 3.64 $3,500
Red HSR Dakota Beef U653 (1397E Sim) x SRF Shear Force 05U (1168X) x SF Earthquake K282 (1115U) Frame Score 5.62
1/2 RA 1/2 Sim | C.E. 17.2 | B.W. -3.5 |W.W. 67 | Y.W. 106.3 |MWW 65.9 | MILK 32.5 | STAY 17.8
CARCASS Dam: 17.1 -2.2 78.7 128.2 68.7 29.4 24.4
MA .23 Sire: 17 -4.8 55 84 NA 36 11
RE .41 BW History of Dam on 4 Calves: Range 70-90 Ave. 81# Cow Wt. 1405
BF -.026 API 140.3 TI 76.1 DNA Homozygous Red Three maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 14.06, 14.58 and 13.08 Choice and
Choice plus marbling. Top 3% of the breed for Birthweight, 4% CE and 10% Milk. Simmental figures.