Page 24 - Twedt Red Angus Production Sale, Bulls, Heifers – Feb. 7, 2023
P. 24

Red Angus Bulls
        R  ed A    ngu   s B  ull s

                                                                24    STRA DRIVEN 2203                      #4678717
                                                                         BD     BW  WW   WR    Cat.  %
                                                                        2/25/22   86  784  ET   1A  100%
                                                                            BIEBER DRIVEN C540   BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120
                                                                ProS   HB   GM                   BIEBER JOAN 309Y
                                                                170  124  46  BIEBER PRIMROSE 107W  BASIN HOBO 0545
                                                                 1%   1%   33%                   BASIN PRIMROSE 24T9
                                                                 CED  BW   WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW   REA   FAT
                                                                 14  -3.5  67  97  0.19  1.64  27  2  13  10  24  0.60  0.06  34  0.32  0.02
                                                                31%  21%  26%  51%  77%  68%  38%  45%  21%  8%  1%  16%  47%  15%  15%  64%
                                                               2203 is a super soggy, big-middled Driven son. He is a direct son of the great
                                                               107w cow. We have many full sib daughters in production to this bull and they are
                                                               awesome cows. Perfect uddered, hardworking cows.
                            Lot 24

          Bieber Primrose 107W

                                                                25    STRA DRIVEN 2208                       #4678727
                                                                         BD     BW  WW   WR    Cat.  %
                                                                        2/24/22   83  739  ET   1A  100%
                                                                            BIEBER DRIVEN C540   BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120
                                                                ProS   HB   GM                   BIEBER JOAN 309Y
                                                                203  135  68  BIEBER PRIMROSE 107W  BASIN HOBO 0545
                                                                 1%   1%   6%                    BASIN PRIMROSE 24T9
                                                                 CED  BW   WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW   REA   FAT
                                                                 13  -1.4  72  110  0.24  1.64  27  2  13  8  27  0.85  -0.02  31  0.39  0.01
                                                                 52%  59%   13%  23%  43%   68%  38%  45%  21%  26%  1%  2%   14%   23%   9%   26%
                                                               2208 is a full sib to lot 24. If you don’t have a Driven son in your bull line up, you are
                                                               missing out. We get feedback every year from people on how they love their Driven
                                                               sons. Driven is now 8 years old and still breeding for us.
                            Lot 25

              Bieber Drive C540

                                                                26    STRA COLONEL 2136                      #4663445
                                                                         BD     BW  WW   WR    Cat.  %
                                                                        3/8/22   88  791  112   1A  100%
                                                                            STRA COLONEL 086     STRA GENERAL 882
                                                                                                 STRA MISS RAMBO 528 ET
                                                                ProS   HB   GM
                                                                 93  49  44  STRA TINA 662       BIEBER SPARTACUS A193
                                                                 49%  62%   36%                  STRA TINA 457
                                                                 CED  BW   WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW   REA   FAT
                                                                 8  1.6  87  142  0.35  2.07  31  10  10  6  15  0.35  0.10  44  0.38  0.03
                                                                 96%  96%   1%  1%   1%   95%  8%  87%  81%  67%  54%  65%   68%   3%   10%   76%
                                                               2136 is a larger framed, powerful Colonel son out of the great Tina 662. This was
                                                               her natural calf and an impressive calf indeed. He offers a ton of growth, weaning off
                                                               at just under 800 pounds and WW ratio of 112.
                            Lot 26

                  STRA Tina 662

        22                                                                                            TWEDT RED ANGUS
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