Page 8 - C-B Charolais Bull and Heifers Production Sale – March 28, 2023
P. 8

2-Year-Old Bull

        197        C-B BENCHMARK 197 P

                          BD        H/P/S      Reg. #
                       3/3/21     POLLED     M965689
            BW      WW   205 Ratio   YW   YW Ratio   ADG   SC
            95     729   96     1249  103    3.5   38.0
         LT BENCHMARK 7045 PLD
            EC-JAB PETRIE 809 PLD   LT ASSERTION 1277 P
         C-B MS PETRIE 290          TR MS PACESETTER 6579S
                                    RC HOTLINE 3115 PLD
            C-B MS HOTLINE 765      C-B MS SIMBA 387
           CE   BW   WW    YW   Milk  MCE   MWW   TSI
          -1.0   1.6   60   118   24   -3.8   53   259.74
        Big time herd bull here. Long as they come, quiet as a mouse and full
        of meat. Can’t fault him any way you look at him. Terrific 2-year-old
        that you won’t find any better.

                       C-B BENCHMARK 197 P

            Fall-Born Bulls

        Fall bulls’ birthweights will all read 90 lbs.
        from the AICA, because they need some
        kind of weight to put in their adjustments.
        The fall cows are calved in a quarter of
        pasture 2 miles from the ranch. We don’t
        weigh them at birth for that reason. They
        generally run lighter than the spring.

        2105       C-B FLASH 2105 P
                          BD        H/P/S      Reg. #
                        8/9/21    POLLED     M980659
            BW      WW   205 Ratio   YW   YW Ratio   ADG   SC
            90     600   97     1019   97    2.62  37
         JCR FLASH 501 P
            JAB TOP SHELF 690 POLLED  WDZ BUD 434 PLD ET
         C-B MS TOPSHELF 1429 P     EC SIERRA 018 PLD
                                    WCR SIR PRIMCUT 4466 ETP
            C-B MS PRIME 706        C-B MS SIMBA 9911
           CE   BW   WW    YW   Milk  MCE   MWW   TSI
          6.3   -0.8   57   107   13   3.5   41   252.90
         A Flash son from a Topshelf cow. A bull put together right, carries his
         weight through very well and with a nice-looking head.
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