Page 39 - Effertz Key Ranch Annual Bull Sale – March 9, 2023
P. 39


        Terms: Terms of the sale are cash or check payable immediately upon  Announcements: Any errors or changes of information contained
          conclusion of the sale and before animals are moved. Seller will   in the catalog will be announced from the auction block and such
          reserve the right to require a certified check as settlement before   announcements shall take precedence over information contained
          releasing any cattle.                                  herein.
        Insurance of Purchases and Risk: All animals are the owner’s risk  Breeding Guarantee: If your purchased bull fails to pass a semen test,
          prior to their sale and become the buyer’s property as soon as   the buyer can select a suitable replacement or receive credit for the
          declared sold by the auctioneer. Insurance will be available when   purchase price in our next bull sale.
          making settlement.
                                                               Liabilities: All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk and
        Bidding: All animals sell to the highest bidder. Any disputes or chal-  Effertz Key Ranch assumes no responsibility for any loss or injury to
          lenges regarding bids will be settled by the auctioneer and his deci-  livestock due to theft, mysterious disappearance, sickness, improper
          sion will be final.                                    handling or Act of God.

        Health: All animals will have proper individual health certificates,  Contract: The above terms and guarantee constitute a contract between
          making them eligible for transport to destinations within the U.S.   buyer and seller of each animal sold.
        Registration and Transfer: Please notify us when making settlement  Mail Bids: Mail or wire bids may be furnished. Bids must be in the
          if you want registration paper.                        hands of the Sale Management in ample time prior to the sale date
                                                                 and will be handled in strict confidence.

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