Page 14 - Feddes Red Angus & C-T Red Angus Bull Sale – March 13, 2023
P. 14

                                                                   4 4     F E D D E S   M A R K E T P L A C E  0115 - 2204
                                                                           FEDDES MARKETPLACE 0115-2204
                                                                Act. BW: 75  205-Wt:  728  WW-Ratio: 108  365-Wt:  1202  YW-Ratio: 109  Adj. IMF: 3.35  Adj. REA:14.1
                                                                   PIE STOCKMAN 4051   LSF SAGA 1040Y       Birthdate:
                                                                BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119  | PIE LAKOTA 046
                                                                                       ANDRAS FUSION R236
                                                                   BIEBER CL ADELLE 475C  | BIEBER ADELLE 297Y  #4631679
                                                                   FEDDES BRUNSWICK D202  FEDDES SILVER BOW B226  100% 1A
                                                                FEDDES BLOCKANA 863-0115  | FEDDES LARKABU X21    ProS   HB   GM
                                                                                       FEDDES BIG SKY R9
                                                                   FEDDES BLOCKANA 863  | FED’S BLOCKANA 4225   144  80  64
                                                                                                            2%   9%   9%
                                                                 CED   BW   WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                  15  -4.0  73  121  0.30  2.07  24  11  9  9  20  0.87  -0.03  21  0.47  0.03
                                                                23%  14%  10%  8%  9%  95%  65%  90%  84%  11%  4%  2%  10%  57%  5%  68%
                      Lot 4                                     •  Here’s a Stockmarket that has done everything right since day one. He started out with
                                                                a 75 lb. BW and grew to a 728 lb. WW, giving him a 108 WR combined with a 109 YR, 107
              Feddes Blockana 863, MGD to Lot 4                 IMFR and 115 REAR. He combines 14 traits in the top 32% of the breed. Top 24% CED to
                                                                11% WW and 10% YW. ProS in the top 3%, HB 14% and Stay 6% shows what this bull can do in terms
                                                                of building a herd and females with longevity. His MGS, Brunswick, took the breed by storm and his
          progeny topped sales all over the country. His dam has a nearly flawless udder and combine that with outstanding feet. When you combine Feddes Silverbow and Feddes Big Sky, you know the females will be out-
          standing. The cows behind this bull are all some of the very top cows ever produced at Feddes Red Angus, they include the Lakina, Larkaba and Blockana families. These three cow families have made names for
          themselves around the world and 3 of the very top to ever walk these pastures. This bull will add growth and carcass while not sacrificing calving ease or maternal traits and should leave behind incredible females.
        •  CE ***

                                                                   5 5     C-T   MAR  K E T ABL E  2 0 6 1
                                                                           C-T MARKETABLE 2061
                                                               Act. BW: 73  205-Wt:  737  WW-Ratio: 106  365-Wt:  1124  YW-Ratio: 102  Adj. IMF: 5.00  Adj. REA:12.7
                                                                   PIE STOCKMAN 4051   LSF SAGA 1040Y       Birthdate:
                                                               BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119  | PIE LAKOTA 046
                                                                                       ANDRAS FUSION R236
                                                                   BIEBER CL ADELLE 475C  | BIEBER ADELLE 297Y  #4632117
                                                                   FEDDES MAGGIO 806-E303  PIE ONE OF A KIND 352  100% 1A
                                                               C-T VRDALE 9028        | FEDDES SLEEK 806     ProS   HB   GM
                                                                                       ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240
                                                                   C-T VRDALE 6058    | C-T VRDALE 3039    127  53  75
                                                                                                            8%   56%   3%
                                                                 CED   BW   WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 15  -5.2  68  113  0.28  1.79  24  7  10  9  15  0.85  0.14  36  0.27  0.04
                                                                 17%   5%   22%  18%   16%   80%  62%  73%  72%  16%  57%   2%   86%   10%  21%   93%
                                                               •  Here is a Stockmarket son that knocks it out of the park for calving ease, combined with
                                                                 growth and carcass.  Dam is a 4-year-old, beautiful uddered, deep-bodied, moderate-
                                 Lot 5                           framed Maggio cow that excels in udder and foot quality.  His data speaks for himself.
                                                                 Let’s start with 167 IMF ratio blowing all of the competition out of the water, then a 106 WR, 102 YR,
                                                                 100 REA, making 2061 one of the elite few standouts of the breed. Have a look at this herd sire in the
                                                               •  CE ***

                                                                   6 6     F E D D E S   M A R K E T  081 - 2214
                                                                           FEDDES MARKET 081-2214
                                                               Act. BW: 74  205-Wt:  666  WW-Ratio: 114  365-Wt:  1171  YW-Ratio: 119  Adj. IMF: 2.92  Adj. REA:14.3
                                                                   PIE STOCKMAN 4051   LSF SAGA 1040Y       Birthdate:
                                                               BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119  | PIE LAKOTA 046
                                                                                       ANDRAS FUSION R236
                                                                   BIEBER CL ADELLE 475C  | BIEBER ADELLE 297Y  #4631719
                                                                   MR COACH 1296       MR COACH 20003       100% 1A
                                                               FEDDES BLOCKANA E90-081  | M R ROYAL 4077S    ProS   HB   GM
                                                                                       C-T RED ROCK 5033
                                                                   FEDDES BLOCKANA 863-E90  | FEDDES BLOCKANA 863   162  68  94
                                                                                                            1%   25%   1%
                                                                 CED   BW   WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 14  -3.2  73  133  0.38  1.97  27  10  9  9  18  0.94  0.25  44  0.23  0.07
                                                                34%  25%  12%  2%  1%  91%  38%  87%  84%  15%  16%  1%  99%  3%  28%  99%
                      Lot 6                                    •  We are really excited about this bull and plan on using him in our own herd heavily.
                                                               74 lb. BW to a 114 WR, 119 YR, and a 123 REAR. 11 traits in the top 25% of the breed. Top
            2021 NILE Heifer, paternal sister to Lot 6’s dam   growth, carcass and maternal traits. His dam is a complete outcross in the breed coming
                                                               from MR Coach 1296.  This may very well be our favorite Coach daughter in the herd with nearly perfect
                                                               feet, outstanding udder, beautiful front end and extra spring of rib. She is just the way we like them.  This
          bull goes back to Feddes Blockana 863 just like Lot 4. There’s a common theme on these first lots – cows, cows, cows. The mama cow is what drives things here and this bull has 5 generations of cows with MPPAs
          of 101 or higher. His dam, on her first try, earned a 106 MPPA and we are expecting exciting things from this young female in the future. One of the most exciting bulls in the sale.
        •  CE ***

        12 – Feddes / C-T Red Angus Production Sale                                View videos online at
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