Page 2 - Green Mountain Red Angus Bull Production Sale – March 21, 2023
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Welcome                                                                      GREEN MOUNTAIN RED ANGUS
                                                                                     GREEN MOUNT
                                                                                                    AIN RED ANGUS
                                                               Welcome to Green Mountain RED Angus!

                                                               It’s bull sale season again! When you look back over the year everyone
                                                               can see things that went right and things that might not have. That in-
                                                               cludes everything under your control and a lot of things that are not, like
                                                               the weather. Thankfully the one thing you can control is your breeding
                                                               and bull purchase decisions!

                                                               When reviewing your seedstock source there are several factors for

                                                               1.  When you look at a bull offering does it appear consistent? In other
                                                               words, does there seem to be a general direction their genetics take
                                                               with a specific goal in mind. Every catalog has variety from heifer bulls
                                                               to growth, as it should. But do you see a pattern that shows a goal? For
                                                               instance, are EPDs improving over the years and becoming more con-
                                                               sistent? As you will see in this catalog the indices and EPDs on these
                                                               bulls are some of the best we have ever produced. When comparing to
                                                               breed average, you will see that the index values (ProS, HB and GM)
                                                               are significantly better than breed average. The ProS index, which is the
                                                               breed’s comprehensive ranch-to-carcass genetic merit index lends our
                   Jim, Julie, Katie, Tom and Bob Morton       bulls significantly more genetic value.

                                                               2.  Is technological advancement being used to measure and increase
        the accuracy of the genetics being offered? Is DNA and genomic testing being done? At GMRA we pull samples on every calf to verify parentage.
        You know when you purchase one of our bulls that there is no mistake in the pedigree. We also submit every sample for genomic testing. This as-
        sures the EPDs you see are as accurate as they can be, with genomically-enhanced EPDs being the equivalent of 3 calf crops worth of data.

        3.  Are feet and udder scores being taken? We have been udder scoring all cows at calving for years and as a result have made significant strides
        in keeping udder quality high. Long before RAAA implanted the standardized feet and leg scores which are now reported, we had our own system
        for evaluating feet and legs and have seen our scores improve to the point of rarely seeing a structure we don’t approve of.

        4.  Is customer service a top priority? We pride ourselves on being there after the sale! We like to visit customers and see how our genetics are
        working in their herds. We also provide options for increasing value by helping with feeder calf sales and placement. Our long-time relationship
        with Superior Livestock sales rep, Clint Berry, offers additional resources for customers to sell their cattle on one of the largest auction platforms
        in the world. We are also members of an elite group called Allied Feeding Partners, which allows us the opportunity to bid on and potentially pur-
        chase customer calves. This is a great opportunity for us to see our customer’s real-world carcass and gain data.

        As your trusted seedstock source, we make every effort to provide our customers with not only breed-leading genetics, but data that is based on
        the most progressive and advanced collection methods we can.  As technology progresses, we are able to more readily identify the cattle that will
        excel in various facets of production. Here at GMRA, we utilize everything we can to provide you with the most comprehensive and accurate data in
        the industry. The crew at Green Mountain Red Angus would like to thank you for putting your trust in our program. We hope you enjoy looking at
        the genetic packages offered in this catalog.  Please reach out if you would like any additional information to help with your genetic selections.  We
        look forward to seeing you on sale day!

        Bob, Julie, Tom, Katie, Jim

        Green Mountain Red Angus             EPDs current as of 2/20/23.   View a sortable Excel spreadsheet and videos at
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