Page 2 - Severance Registered Angus Bull Sale – March 4, 2023
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Sale Information
        Sale I       nformation

           Severance Angus Annual Bull Sale                    Dear Cattlemen and Friends,
                                                               Welcome to a new adventure of Online Only Bull Sale. Over 90%
                         Saturday,                             of the farm machinery is now being sold by online only, so why not

                   March 4, 2023                               bulls too?

                                Y ON D
             ONLINE ONLY ON DVAUCTION                          You won’t have to fight the weather or travel on bad roads and you
             ONLINE ONL
                   CL  OSES A     T 7 P                        can do it all from the comfort of your home! For us to have that
                   CLOSES AT 7 P. M. CST
                                       . M. CST
                                                               stand-alone bull sale there are so many fixed costs where we need
        SALE HOST:
        SALE HOST:                                             to sell at least 50 bulls to offset some of the expenses. The main
          Jan L. & Sally Jo Severance                          thing to know is that the videos and information is all at dvauction.
          28200 254th St. SW • Ryder, ND 58779                 com. Make sure you bid before 7 p.m. on Sat., March 4th as the
          701-758-2478 • Jan’s Cell: 701-720-2893              bidding ends at 7 p.m. and all the lots end at the same time. These
                                                               are just a few things that you need to beware of.
        SALE D   A Y P HONE:
          Jan Severance ..................................................701-720-2893  I have picked the top 21 bulls to sell that I felt were ready to
        ONLINE BIDDING:                                        be offered. They are GREAT! They are long, growthy bulls with
          The sale will be Online Only through   breed-leading performance and great dispositions. We also have
          Please see online auction info as too how the auction works   some low birth weight, calving-ease bulls that will sire top-notch
          and to register to bid.                              calves. Please take a look, call with any questions and feel free to
                                                               drive over and look at the bulls if possible. We are very happy with
        VIDEOS::                                               their performance – with no creep. Since weaning they have been
          View videos of each sale bull at  fed a grain mix and all the best hay they could eat. They have done
        PRE-SALE VIEWING:                                      well and will continue to grow out.  We will have the vet semen test
          Bulls may be viewed at the ranch at your convenience.  the bulls in late March and will give them a footrot shot at that time.
                                                               We will deliver them to you in ND and surrounding states.
          All Angus bulls are guaranteed free of all genetic defects.  Thank you for your years of support and friendship,
        TERMS AND CONDITIONS:                                  Jan & Sally Severance
          The terms of the sale are cash or check payable to the clerks
          following the sale, unless satisfactory credit arrangements
          have been made with Jan Severance prior to the sale.
        HEAL   TH:
          Bulls have been treated with Bovi-Shield Gold, One Shot,
          7-Way and Dectomax. Health certificates will be provided for
          each sale lot.
        BREEDING GU       ARANTEE:
          Bulls are guaranteed to pass a semen test at turnout time.

                   Sally Jo and Jan Severance
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