Page 39 - Sperry Quarter Horses Performance, Production & Invitational Consignment Sale – Aug. 13, 2023
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The family of Kyle “Bud” Sperry Jr. established a North Dakota in both
memorial scholarship in Bud’s honor. The Bud Sperry academics and in the
“Old Cowboy” Memorial Scholarship will award $6,000 rodeo arena. One of
in scholarships to members of the North Dakota High Kelby’s goals was to
School Rodeo Association (NDHSRA) in June 2023. earn a Bud Sperry “Old
Cowboy” Memorial
Bud loved rodeo, whether it was competing or sup- Scholarship.
porting his boys. He was always there to lend a helping
hand or advice to anyone concerning rodeo, horses or The memorial scholar-
anything else it may be. Bud watched his sons, Russell ships are awarded an-
and Robert, and many other neighboring kids compete in nually to both boys and
high school and national high school rodeos, then on to girls. The qualifications
college rodeos throughout their careers. He knew of the for the Sperry Scholar-
importance of a college education and the expenses that ship are: a graduating
come with it. senior who is a member
on the NDHSRA in
The past 12 years, family, friends, neighbors and horse good standing. Member
buyers gathered in August at the Sperry Quarter Horse must have qualified Bud Sperry on Gun Too
Sale where they raised funds for the memorial scholar- to the ND State High
ship. The sale is now held at the Sperry Ranch north of School Finals at least once in their high school career.
Beach, N.D. We have added “Old Cowboy” to the name Those who have not qualified for state by their senior year,
as a tribute to Bud’s era and his friends. and are close to being in the top 24 should apply. Applicant
should have a 2.00 GPA or better and have plans to attend
The Sperry family awards two of the scholarships in an accredited university, junior college or trade school the
memory of Kelby Indergard (17), Sidney, Mont., whose immediate fall semester after high school graduation.
life was unexpectedly cut short on Jan. 12, 2013. Kelby
was an active member of the NDHSRA and attended the Scholarship applications and more information are avail-
2012 High School National Rodeo Finals in team roping able on the NDHSRA website,, and on
with his partner, Rory Irwin. He also qualified for “Team Sperry Quarter Horses’ website,
Cinch” in 2012-13 by being a standout in the state of
Recipients of the Bud Sperry “Old Cowboy” Memorial
Scholarship will be announced on Sunday in Bowman at
the State North Dakota High School Rodeo Finals.
The family of Bud Sperry would like to thank everyone
who has contributed to the Memorial Scholarship, and for
those who continue to support the scholarship through gifts
and memorials. Contributions and memorials will ensure a
strong future for the scholarship. Please contact Marcia or
Robert Sperry or Dixie Schaffer for more information.
2023 Scholarship Recipients Thank you,
Bud Sperry Scholarship Winners:
Weston Klatt, Bailey Grove, Timber Hauso, Cole Gerhart, Jena Smith, The Sperry Family
Colter Martin, Sam Andrews, Faith Heim, Gavin Steckler,
Tel Sorenson and Megan Larson