Page 27 - NILE Red Angus Heifers – Oct. 20, 2023
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History of the Montana Red Angus Association
The Montana Red Angus Association (MTRAA) was officially organized on October. This was the first sale to promote Red Angus cattle being sold
November 3, 1972. Several progressive breeders met at the Rainbow Hotel by areas breeders. MTRAA is a proud sponsor of youth and established
in Great Falls, MT. It was there that they elected officers and established by- the County Buckle Program in 2000. This program honors all county fair
laws. The first officers for the ensuing year were – President: Dave Cawlfield, champions that show cattle with Red Angus genetics. These champions are
Vice-President: Jim Leachman, Secretary/Treasurer: Pete Stoltz. awarded a belt buckle for their achievements prior to the NILE sale. A female
futurity was established in 2009. Current NILE sale animals and progeny of
MTRAA has a total membership of over 65 members, which includes both past sale animals are eligible to participate. This was established to showcase
registered and commercial breeders from across Montana and a few other that the animals purchased at the NILE Sale work in the “real world.” The
states. Annual dues are $50 and payable by January 1st of the current year. futurity is held annually in October at the NILE in Billings, MT. We also spon-
Dues are to be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer. An annual meeting is held sor the Montana Stock Grower’s Association Cattleman’s College each year in
each October, in conjunction with the NILE. MTRAA happenings and member- Billings, MT.
ship listings can be found on our website at We
can also be found on Facebook. In 1977, the first “Feeder Calf” sales were held in Billings and Butte. These
sales have expanded to Three Forks, Miles City and Glasgow. October has
Montana ranks as the largest register of Red Angus cattle in the Red Angus been dubbed “Red October” as thousands of cattle are sold in these sales.
Association of America, with over 8,953 head registered this last year. Ap-
proximately 3,072 head of females and 2,219 head of bulls were transferred A Montana Tour is held in the fall on a rotation system that enables attendees
to other breeders this last year. Montana is ranked ninth for regular member- to view cattle from both registered and commercial breeders across the state.
ships with 133 Montana members in the national organization. We also have The state is divided into seven regions, with the breeders in the area hosting
44 Montana Junior members within the RAAA. the event. We invite you to join us for this annual event of extraordinary
camaraderie, plenty of food, gracious hosts, good cattle and fun.
MTRAA has always been progressive and leads the way in many programs.
They are proud sponsors of the NILE Prestigious Red Angus Sale, which Experience Montana’s Red Angus hospitality and contact one of our breeders
started in 1982. The sale is held in conjunction with the NILE annually in today!
Montana Red Angus Association Board of Directors
OFFICERS Secretary/Treasurer DIRECTOR
President Kara Herbst Tim Geib
Tena Ketchum 8133 Amsterdam Rd 305 Longfellow Ln
1721 Plevna Rd Manhattan, MT 59741 Dagmar, MT 59219
Plevna, MT 59344 406-599-5334 406-480-5438
Vice President Madri Blom Jenny Moke
Luke Larson 503 MT, Hwy 254 88 Redland Ranch Rd
PO Box 361 Vida, MT 59274 Hysham, MT 59038
Drummond, MT 59832 406-979-5711 406-740-2854
Montana Red Angus Association Calendar & Directory Available
Contact Kara Herbst, MTRAA secretary
to pick up your
MTRAA Directory and Calendar
while at the NILE
or email
Catalog online at Prestigious NILE Red Angus SalE