Page 22 - ND Red Select Red Angus Heifer Sale – Dec. 9, 2023
P. 22

36 36    LONE TREE GILDA L078              OPEN HEIFER

                                                                 ProS  HB  GM    BIRTH DATE   REG. #   CATEGORY:   BW:   WW:
                                                                 101  65  36  2/11/23 4823159  100% 1A  86  528
                                                                 36%  30%  52%              Consigned by LONE TREE ANGUS
                                                                 CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                  11  -1.7  73  118  0.28  1.71  35  12  14  8  17  0.42  0.09  26  0.28  0.05
                                                                 77%  53%  12%  12%  14%  74%  1%  93%  11%  39%  33%  47%  67%  40%  20%  94%
                                                                   PIE QUARTERBACK 789         PIE STOCKMAN 4051
                                                               PIE CAPTAIN 057                | PIE RUBY 520
                                                                                               9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305
                                                                   PIE BONNE BEL 852          | PIE BONNE BEL 6232
                                                                   BROWN PARAMOUNT X7879       BECKTON NEBULA P P707
                                                               LSF SRR GILDA  C5089           | BROWN MS DESTINATION T7664
                                                                                               LSF NIGHT CALVER 9921W
                                                                   LSF GILDA W9935 Z2125      | LSF GILDA U8048 W9935
                                Lot 36
        Opportunities don’t come around like this very often. These flush sisters   two selling in previous Ludvigson sales for $12,500 and $9,750. If you like
        combine two breed legends, LSF SRR GILDA C5089, and PIE CAPTAIN   them deep bodied and structurally correct, make sure to take one home, or
        057. LSF SRR GILDA C5089 was our $22,000 selection from the Ludvigson   better yet – both!
        dispersal sale in 2021. Her daughters have been commanding attention with

                                                                 37 37    NAMKEN FLOWER 77C-50L             OPEN HEIFER

                                                                 ProS  HB  GM    BIRTH DATE   REG. #   CATEGORY:   BW:   WW:
                                                                  76  35  41  3/12/23 4808827  100% 1A  103  592
                                                                 76%  85%  42%            Consigned by NAMKEN RED ANGUS
                                                                 CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                  6  3.8  71  106  0.22  0.77  20  0   4   2  14  0.38  0.04  25  0.17  0.01
                                                                 99%  99%  16%  31%  57%  8%  92%  31%  99%  99%  67%  57%  38%  41%  40%  37%
                                                                   PM EXECUTIVE DECISION 5’17  BAR-E-L NATURAL LAW 52Y
                                                               W SUNRISE EXECUTIVE 42J        | PM BLOSSOM 124’13
                                                                                               RED U-2 AUTHENTIC 139A
                                                                   RED BROWN CREEK MOLLY 99C  | RED BROWN CREEK MOLLY 14R 1U
                                                                   NAMKEN MAX 10A              RED FLYING K MAX 159Y
                                                               NAMKEN FLOWER 44S-77C          | RED SSS NELLIE 792X
                                                                                               MESSMER CHATEAU 160N
                                                                   NAMKEN FLOWER 28-44S       | NAMKEN FLOWER 10N
                                Lot 37
        50L is a three dimensional heifer with a bold sprung rib, easy fleshing with   tent producer in the herd with a beautiful udder.  50L will make a produc-
        added bone. She is the first calf to sell out of our outcross herd sire, W   tive brood cow with an outcross pedigree.  Watch our website for a video.
        Sunrise Executive 42J, and she is red. Her eight-year-old dam is a consis-

                                                                 38 38    NSFR DAZZLE L47                   OPEN HEIFER

                                                                 ProS  HB  GM    BIRTH DATE   REG. #   CATEGORY:   BW:   WW:
                                                                 123  55  69  2/22/23 4802194  100% 1A  75  634
                                                                 10%  51%  6%          Consigned by NORDLUND STOCK FARM
                                                                 CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                  15  -3.9  68  115  0.30  1.77  30  9  13  7  16  0.65  0.09  37  0.40  0.04
                                                                 20%  16%  24%  15%  10%  79%  15%  83%  18%  46%  49%  11%  63%  9%  8%  89%
                                                                   PIE STOCKMAN 4051           LSF SAGA 1040Y
                                                               PIE QUARTERBACK 789            | PIE LAKOTA 046
                                                                                               PIE ONE OF A KIND 352
                                                                   PIE RUBY 520               | PIE RUBY 381
                                                                   MUSGRAVE 316 STUNNER        LD CAPITALIST 316
                                                               NSFR DAZZLE G110               | MCATL BLACKBIRD 831-1378
                                                                                               SIX MILE TIMBERLAKE 180T
                                                                   NSFR TJ X36                | SEXTON’S TJ 303
                       Lot 38
                                                               This mating (PIE Quaterback 789 x Musgrave 316 Stunner) is so exciting
                                                               to us and is the ultimate combination of superior phenotype, maternal, and
                        NSFR DAZZLE G110,                      profit-making genetics. Dazzle is a very powerfully constructed female with a
                             Dam of Lot 38                     stunning profile. Her dam is a moderate framed beauty. This was an extremely
                                                               successful flush and Dazzle’s full sib brothers will be a highlight in our upcom-
                                                               ing sale.

        20 – North Dakota Red Select Sale                                                  Catalog online at
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