Page 6 - Bar JV Angus Bull and Heifer Sale – March 28, 2023
P. 6

Reference Sires

                                                                                             Sitz Resilient 10208
                                                                                             Sitz Resilient 10208

                   SITZ RESILIENT 10208                        Resilient has quickly become one of the most popular and
             A A     SITZ STELLAR 726D     [ BENFIELD SUBSTANCE 8506 #  most complete bulls in the Angus breed. His combination of
                        MOHNEN SUBSTANTIAL 272 #
                                                               EPDs, carcass and maternal genetics along with foot quality,
                                            MOHNEN GLYN MAWR ELBA 1758
                        SITZ PRIDE 200B    [ CONNEALY FINAL PRODUCT #  PAP and heifer pregnancy is unmatched. He has sired sale
        Reg. #                              SITZ PRIDE 308Y #
        19057457                                               toppers all over the country in both 2022 and 2023. We are
                        SITZ TOP GAME 561X #  [ GDAR GAME DAY 449 #  calving his daughters and they look to be maybe his best
                     SITZ MISS BURGESS 1856   SITZ PRIDE 88T #  attribute yet. He will continue to see heavy use. Owned by Sitz
                        SITZ MISS BURGESS 4381   [ SITZ RAINMAKER 10899   Angus. Dan Ingalls, Lund’s B Bar Angus and Bar JV Angus.
                                            SITZ MISS BURGESS 1609
          CED  BW    WW   YW   SC   MILK  MARB  REA  $W   $B
          9    0.3   76   135  0.99  22  0.89  0.74  68  151

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