Page 3 - Loonan Stock Farm - Private Treaty Bull Sale – Feb. 3, 2024
P. 3

New Red Angus Sires

                                                               LELAND LOTTO 1021

                                                                  BD:  RAAA REG.   BW:  WW:  YW:        CATEGORY:
                                                                3/22/21  4474315    58   796  1294       1B  99.8%
                                                                                                5L BOURNE 117-48A
                                                                          VGW LOTTO 722
                                                                                                VGW MEG-FIREFLY 14102
                                                                ProS   HB   GM                  LELAND STAKEHOLDER 5457
                                                                 88  43  45  LELAND STAKEHOLDER 5457-9152  LELAND FULL COUNT 4512
                                                                 49%  63%   36%
                                                                 CED  BW   WW   YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 16  -4.1  78  131  0.33  2.26  32  17  14  8  14  0.48  0.11  35  0.16  0.02
                                                                 14%  15%   10%   8%   8%   94%  9%  96%  18%  27%  63%   38%   66%  20%  43%  52%
                                              New Red          •  More calving ease
                                              New Red
                                             Angus Sire        •  Big-spread between birth and yearling
                                             Angus Sire
                                                               •  Good marbling and ribeye EPDs
                                                               LELAND STOCKMARKET 1050

                                                                  BD:  RAAA REG.    BW:  WW:  YW:        CATEGORY:
                                                                3/25/21  4474371    77   785  1296        1B  99.9%
                                                                                                PIE STOCKMAN 4051
                                                                          BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119
                                                                                                BIEBER CL ADELLE 475C
                                                                ProS   HB   GM                  WFL MERLIN 018A
                                                                 95  44  51  LELAND FRANKIE 018-9233  LELAND RED DIRECTION 8268U
                                                                 40%  61%   27%
                                                                 CED  BW   WW   YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 15  -3.1  68  116  0.30  2.08  28  11  14  10  12  0.74  0.01  16  0.19  0.02
                                                                 28%  28%   32%   23%  17%   89%  33%  84%  18%  13%  77%   9%   23%  75%  38%  44%
                                              New Red          •  Lots of style and thickness
                                              New Red
                                             Angus Sire        •  Should have good marbling
                                             Angus Sire
                                                               •  Loose made
                                                               BIEBER DEEP END B597

                                                                  BD:  RAAA REG.   BW:  WW:  YW:         CATEGORY:
                                                                5/10/14  1694338    100  799  1383        1A  100%
                                                                                                BIEBER ROOSEVELT W384
                                                                          BIEBER ROLLIN DEEP Y118
                                                                                                BIEBER TILLY 399W
                                                                ProS   HB   GM                  LJC MISSION STATEMENT P27
                                                                127  38  90  BIEBER LAURA 158W  BASIN LAURA 5301
                                                                 11%  70%   2%
                                                                 CED  BW   WW   YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 9  0.9  85  146  0.38  2.76  25  16  21  8  10  0.82  0.11  64  0.62  0.03
                                                                 84%  88%   4%   2%   2%   99%  55%  95%  1%  32%  91%   5%   66%  1%   5%  71%
                                                               •  AI sire
                                                               •  Exceptional EPDs
                                                               •  Frame

                      Feeder Calf Certification Program & Allied Access Enrollment

        Red Angus Marketing Programs have been delivering results for over two
        decades, combining the value of superior genetics with access to export   Enroll in the Red Angus
        markets and premium product lines, while allowing Red Angus customers
        to build strong reputations.                                           Value-Programs
        The Feeder Calf Certification Program (FCCP) was the industry’s original   and order your tags today!
        USDA Process Verified Genetic, Source and Age Verification program.
        Allied Access (AA) provides solutions for crossbreeding programs by
        delivering source & age verification, without the genetic restriction.   RAAA Value Added Department
        AA delivers the flexibility for Red Angus customers using multi-breed   940-477-4593 •
        rotations, hybrids or composites to capture heterosis.
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