Page 4 - Twedt Red Angus Annual Production Sale – Feb. 6, 2024
P. 4

             e I
        Sale Information
                                                                                    The Red Angus Feeder Calf
                                                    FEEDER CALF
         How to Enroll in                   CERTIFICATION PROGRAM                 Certifi cation Program is the fi rst
            FCCP and AA                              • Traceability to at least  step in differentiating your cattle to
                                                        50% Red Angus genetics
                                                     • Source verifi ed to ranch of   buyers, feedlots and packers.
        1.  Contact the Red Angus value-               origin                       Experience industry-leading
           added department at                       • Group age verifi ed         return on investment for just the
           940-477-4593 and complete       No enrollment fee, just the cost of your     cost of an ear tag –
           a short supplier enrollment     program tag choice.                        with no enrollment fees.
           questionnaire over the
           phone. RAAA staff will ask
           general management, animal                                              The Red Angus Association of
           identifi cation and breeding                                             America marketing team offers
           questions. If needed, the                                                assistance to Red Angus bull
           producer may be asked to supply                                            customers at no charge.
           additional documentation on                            GENETICS
           breeding such as semen receipt,                        AGE                    Visit
           lease agreements or information                        SOURCE               for contact information.
           on purchased females.

        2.  After all documentation is                                                     Red Angus
           recorded, staff will ship the tags      ALLIED ACCESS                     Marketing Assistance
           directly to the producer who              • Source verifi ed to ranch of   •  FCCP (Yellow Tag)
           must tag the calves before they             origin
           leave the ranch of origin – birth,        • Group age verifi ed       •  Allied Access (Green Tag)
           branding, preconditioning,      No enrollment fee, just the cost of your   •  Premium Red Baldy (White Tag)
           weaning or before loading on the   program tag choice.               •  American Red (Blue Tag)
                                                                                •  Feeder/Fat Cattle Show List
        3.  The producer will receive a                                         •  Stockyard
           customer enrollment agreement                                        •  Calendar of Events
           to fi ll out and return to RAAA
           with a copy of their calving                                         •  Red Angus FeederFax
           records.                                               AGE

        4.  Staff will issue the USDA-                            SOURCE
           approved Certifi cate of
           Compliance upon receiving the
           customer enrollment agreement
           and calving record.

        FCCP or Allied Access Tags
                  $1.30 each
           EID Only (FCCP or AA)
                  $2.20 each

               EID Combo Sets
                  $3.30 each

 • 940-477-4593
        2                                                                                             TWEDT RED ANGUS
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