Page 17 - Katus Ranch Angus Bull Sale – March 17, 2024
P. 17

S A V America 8018
          39 39  KATUS AMERICA 004 3117                        40 40  KATUS RAINFALL INT 3129

           Reg. #:   BD:   BW:   BW-R:   Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  Dam WR:     Reg. #:   BD:   BW:   BW-R:   Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  Dam WR:
         627471347  1/20/23   99  100   607   519  100  7-100    20863119  3/13/23   88  100   635   600  100  1-100
               S A V AMERICA 8018    S A V PRESIDENT 6847           S A V RAINFALL 6846   COLEMAN CHARLO 0256
                                     S A V MADAME PRIDE 0075
                                                                                          S A V BLACKCAP MAY 4136
               S A V BLACKCAP MAY 8962  S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004     JJR BLACKCAP MAY 622  S A V INTERNATIONAL 2020
                                     S A V MAY 2397
                                                                                          S A V BLACKCAP MAY 4549
         CED  BW  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F  CED  BW  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F
                                                              -3  4.2  79  142  1.08  7.6  25  16  59  0.08  0.77  63  105
                                                              95%  95%  15%  10%  40%  95%  60%  65%  30%  95%  35%  40%  20%
        Fancy America calf out of the SAV Blackcap May 8962 cow.  Rainfall x International should add pounds.

                                                 About our Ranch

        At the Katus Ranch we are much more than just a seedstock op-  We also operate an on-farm feedlot that we background all our
        eration. We are 4th and 5th generation ranchers that take pride in   calves in. We will sell our program calves through the Northern
        the diversification of our farm and ranch. On the ranch side we are   Livestock sale in January and deliver later that month. We have
        investing in our embryo transfer program to bring our customers   been blessed that buyers fight for the right to own our calves,
        genetics from some of the most consistent, long-lasting cows in   and this reflects in the sale topping prices realized. This confirms
        the breed and mating them with the highly maternal power genet-  that breed leading genetics do pay. We will take all our late April,
        ics that we have secured. This allows our product to not only be of   May and June born calves to finish in our feedlot. Marketing them
        the highest quality but also be diverse in the genetic packages that   through all natural programs.
        we are offering.
                                                             We raise all our own feedstuffs for our cattle and feedlot on our
        Our commercial cattle herd has been the main focus for decades.   ranch. Raising corn for silage and grain. Our self-sufficiency
        We feel we have built our cows into breed leading genetic ma-  extends to our farming practices also where we seed, spray, and
        chines. The commercial bred heifer program has grown to be a   harvest all our own crops. Putting up enough forage to carry us
        source of highly sought after females by the commercial cattlemen   through the year and hopefully into the next. Planting cover crops
        from all across the nation. We are extremely proud of the F! Baldie   and grazing our cow herd well into the fall and winter to help
        heifers and purebred commercial heifers that we supply our cus-  alleviate high feeding costs. We are a family operation, but we do
        tomers with year in and year out. We also utilize our own commer-  rely on neighbors for extra help throughout the year. Without this
        cial cows in our extensive embryo program.           dedication all of this would not be possible.

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