Page 8 - Katus Ranch Angus Bull Sale – March 17, 2024
P. 8

EA Bells Girl 7617

                                                                Lot 8
                                                                Lo t  8
           8 8  KATUS PROLIFIC ADV 3141

           Reg. #:   BD:   BW:   BW-R:   Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  Dam WR:              Ellingson Prolific
          20861883  3/26/23   83  100   688   675  100  5-106
                                     ELLINGSON PROFOUND 8155  3141 is a very special calf that is out of Ellingson Prolific and EA Belles Girl 7617,
               ELLINGSON PROLIFIC    EA QUEEN 8070           better known as the dam to Ellingson Badlands 0285, Ellingson Brickhouse 1192,
                                                             Ellingson Preeminent and Ellingson Progressive, all serving as AI stud sires.
               EA BELLS GIRL 7617    KOUPAL ADVANCE 28       Prolific was the high-selling sire group of the Ellingson 2024 sale with a top of
                                                             $295,000. 3141 was a late-March calf and still nearly made a 700-lb. weaning
                                     EA BELLS GIRL 2181
         CED  BW  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F  weight off his recip dam. WW +74, YW +129, SC +96, Doc. +14 and Milk +31
                                                             EPDs make him the cream of the crop. We have retained his two sisters back in
          6   2.1  74  129  0.96  16.8  31  14   66  0.53  0.90  75  113  our herd. He is fancy in kind and ready to make an impact on any herd.
         55%  70%  25%  25%  45%  10%  20%  75%  15%  65%  20%  15%  10%
        Lots 9 and 10 are both out of the Sitz Robust 717H sire that just   off his dam that traces back to the awesome Sitz Greatplains 8102.
        sold a tremendous group of uniform bulls at the Raven Angus sale.   She has always been one of our top producing cows stemming from
        They are both pounds heavy with lot 9 weighing in at 805 pounds   the Pine Creek herd. Lot 10 is more of a calving ease sire that will add
                                                             pounds to your calf crop coming off the cow at 739 pounds with a 75
                                                             pound birth weight.
                                                                9 9  KATUS ROBUST 3209

                                                                Reg. #:   BD:   BW:   BW-R:   Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  Dam WR:
                                                               20867676   3/4/23   84  100   805   740  115  3-103

                                                                    SITZ ROBUST 717H      SITZ STELLAR 726D
                                                                                          SITZ ELLUNAS ELITE 139Z
                                                                    PCAR MISSY 5218       IDEAL 9512 OF 5570 7814
                                                                                          PCAR MISSY 5010
                                                               CED  BW  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F
                                                  Lot 9        5  1.3  64  115       28                 57  78
                                                              60%  55%  50%  45%     40%                60%  75%
                                                               10 10  KATUS ROBUST 3210
                                                                Reg. #:   BD:   BW:   BW-R:   Act. WW:  205-Wt:  WW-R:  Dam WR:
                                                               20867655  2/24/23   75   89   739   666  103  2-103
                                                                    SITZ ROBUST 717H      SITZ STELLAR 726D
                                                                                          SITZ ELLUNAS ELITE 139Z

                                                                    KR PRIDE 4101         LT FINAL ANSWER 8803 OF EA
                                                                                          PCAR PRIDE 2101
                                                               CED  BW  WW  YW  SC  HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB  REA  $W  $F
                                                              10  0.3  61  109       23                 53  79
                           SITZ Robust 717H
                                                              20%  30%  60%  60%     75%                70%  70%
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13