Page 27 - Leland & Koester Red Angus Bull and Heifer Sale – March 8, 2024
P. 27

Steve & Tracey Koester
                                                     2877 47th St SE • Steele, ND 58482
                                                            (701) 400-1611 cell
                                                     Steve & Tracey Koester, Shaye & Phillip
                                                      Wanner, Kacey & Jake Jacobson
                                                                By Design ...

                                            Our f all-calving prog r am is b y design. Our cattle are bred, bor n and r aised to e xcel in conditions
                                            Our fall-calving program is by design. Our cattle are bred, born and raised to excel in conditions
                                            opposite of most production seasons . The y are tough, resilient and prolific. Sure , calving in
                                            opposite of most production seasons. They are tough, resilient and prolific. Sure, calving in
                                            August might be easier than March, however maternal and actual performance in the winter are
                                            A ugust might be easier than March, ho w e v er mater nal and actual perf or mance in the winter are
                                            antagonistic to nature and we identify and eliminate those unworthy of staying in our herd.
                                            antagonistic to nature and w e identify and eliminate those unw or th y of sta ying in our herd.
                   The second set
              of age-advantaged bulls begins  Conf or mation, m uscle , f oot str ucture , disposition, perf or mance and mater nal strengths are bac k ed
                                            Conformation, muscle, foot structure, disposition, performance and maternal strengths are backed
                on page 50 with Lot 111.    b by breed-leading EPDs for growth and carcass. At the end of the day, our customers need cows
                                                                                             y, our customers need co
                                                              or g
                                                                  wth and carcass
                                                                              . At the end of the da
                                             y breed-leading EPDs f
                                                            eight at w
                                                                   eaning and carcass tr
                                                                                          uild a reputation with their f
                                                                                   aits that b
                                            that do their job
                                            that do their job, payweight at weaning and carcass traits that build a reputation with their feeders. .
                                                        , pa
                 The third set begins on
                 page 67 with Lot 175.      We are raising beef ... by design.
                                                                              Our Fall-Calving Program
                                                                              We designed our fall-calving program in order to
                                                                              offer our customers the option of bulls with an age
                                                                              advantage. Those few extra months of maturity don’t
                                                                              necessarily mean the bulls will cover more cows, but
                                                                              they will maintain their body condition and come in
                                                                              after breeding season in good rig.
                                                                              We summer the fall bulls on pasture with minimal
                                                                              supplementation, diligently culling for performance,
                                                                              foot structure and disposition. We move them into
                                                                              the lot in September and prepare them for carcass
                                                                              ultrasounding. The bulls are not tested for gain due
                                                                              to the hot summer months, but are developed for
                                                                              longevity and soundness.
                                                                              We calve the cows and first-calf heifers in the pasture
                                                                              starting in mid-August. We synchronize and AI in
          Winter breeding poses extra challenges for our fall herd.   Each calf is tagged and weighed   mid-November, and pull bulls on New Year’s Day.
          Our cows must breed during blizzards, long frigid spells and   at birth. We also score the dam   The calves endure the harsh winter conditions and
          naturally shorter daylight hours. Likewise, the calves must   on her udder suspension and
          grow during these conditions and wean in March. We have a   teat size, and record her dispo-  temperatures during their pre-weaning age.
          zero-tolerance policy and sell open cows in the spring.  sition while processing her calf.
                              A Note About Performance Data
                              As many of you are aware that have used our fall-born bulls, they out-perform their actual weaning and year-
                              ling performance numbers. We want you to note that this year’s crop of bulls have even more reduced actual
                              performance numbers because of the winter they went through. Shoot, we were happy they had a heartbeat
                              come spring. They were truly survivors!
                                                         The winter of 2022-2023 created a blizzard per week, brutal cold temps
                                                         and relentless winds – all which came early and stayed late. Six months
                                                         of horrific winter took its toll on the cows and their calves. Once warm
                                                         weather arrived and we were able to wean, the bulls’ genetics took over
                                                         and they grew into an exceptional set of breeding stock. We believe the
                                                         best way to measure an animal’s true performance is with environmental
                                                         factors removed. EPDs and breed percent ranking do a very nice job of
                                                         removing that noise, which reveals an animal’s true performance potential.

         AVG EPDs FOR ANIMALS UNDER TWO YEARS:  ProS: 92 HB: 55 GM: 37 CED: 13 BW: -1.8 WW: 60 YW: 97 ADG: 0.23 DMI: 1.46 M: 26 ME: 3 HPG: 11 CEM: 7 ST: 15 MB: 0.41 YG: 0.07 CW: 23 REA: 0.12 FAT: 0.02  25
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