Page 29 - Deckert Simmental Ranch Annual Bull & Heifer Sale – Feb. 25, 2025
P. 29

Bred Heifers
                                                                  55     DSR RED WHIMSY L398

                                                                         BD: 5/5/23  Reg:4214107  1/2 SM 15/32 AR 1/32 AN
                                                                         BW:  69  205-Day Wt.: 667  Red  Polled

                                                                        GW MOVIN ON 183C      [  GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS
                                                                    GW REBEL YELL 731J          GW MISS PREDESTINED 117Y
                                                                        GW MISS DIRECT DRIVE 912F  [  VGW DIRECT DRIVE 512
                                                                                                GW MISS PD 770Y 564B
                                                                        LSF SRR VICTORY 3013A  [  HXC CONQUEST 4405P
                                                                    DSR MISS VICTORY 611D       LSF DINA T7103 Y1079
                                                                        DSR BLK BEEF B401     [  WS BEEF MAKER R13
                                                                                                DSR RED PACKER Z224
                                                                 CE   BW   WW   YW   MCE   MM   MWW   CW   MARB   REA   API   TI
                                                                 17.1  -3.3  79.1  127.4  10.1  26.3   65.7   27.6   0.44   0.62   167.0  89.4
                                                                 10%  10%  45%  35%  10%  30%  35%  75%  45%  60%  10%  25%
                                                               Bold sprung, wide and cowy describe Lot 55. Her pedigree reads with
                                                               maternal quality and calving ease which is supported by her dam’s perfor-
                                                               mance by recording 6 @ 106 at weaning. Top 1% Stay. Top 10% CE, BW,
                               Lot 55                          MCE and API. Solid red. White underline. AI bred to CDI/NF Honor Guard
                                                               267H on 6/12. Pasture exposed to DSR Incognito K43 [6/19 to 7/31]. Due
                                                               4/15 with a bull calf.

                                                                  56     DSR AMBROSIA L364

                                                                         BD: 4/14/23  Reg:4214035  3/4 SM 1/4 AR
                                                                         BW:  83  205-Day Wt.: 660  Red  Polled
                                                                        HOOK`S FULL FIGURES 11F  [  TJ DIPLOMAT 294D
                                                                    KS NET INCOME H433          HOOK`S DOCILA 23D
                                                                        KS ETHYL E183         [  TNT GENTLEMAN JACK C264
                                                                                                KS BRELYN B833
                                                                        LSF SRR REDEMPTION 4004B  [  BROWN JYJ REDEMPTION Y1334
                                                                    DSR RED FASHION 689D        LSF EVERGREEN T7004 Z2904
                                                                        DSR COLLECTIBLE A348  [  DSR FREEDOM DESIGN W246
                                                                                                DSR FORTUNE BEEF W408
                                                                 CE   BW   WW   YW   MCE   MM   MWW   CW   MARB   REA   API   TI
                                                                 9.3  0.9   87.0  139.9  5.0  26.7   70.1   41.3   0.29   0.90   134.5  84.6
                                                                 90%  70%  20%  15%  80%  25%  20%  35%  70%  15%  55%  40%
                                                               This female is a multi-trait leader with 10 EPDs in the top 25% of the
                                                               database! Level designed and moderate in her kind, it is easy to project
                                                               her out as a productive, functional addition to any herd. Top 15% YW
                               Lot 56                          and REA. Safe AI to Bieber Jumpstart J137. Due 3-24-25 with a bull calf.
                                                               Pasture exposed to DSR DeadEye K66 [6/19 to 7/31].

                                                                  57     DSR KARMA L388
                                                                         BD: 5/1/23  Reg:4214093  1/2 SM 9/32 AR 1/8 CS 3/32 AN
                                                                         BW:  58  205-Day Wt.: 598  Red  Polled
                                                                        GW MOVIN ON 183C      [  GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS
                                                                    GW REBEL YELL 731J          GW MISS PREDESTINED 117Y
                                                                        GW MISS DIRECT DRIVE 912F  [  VGW DIRECT DRIVE 512
                                                                                                GW MISS PD 770Y 564B
                                                                        WS RED MOON D76       [  W/C EXECUTIVE ORDER 8543B
                                                                    DSR MISS JB 951G            DCR MS MOONSHINE B38
                                                                        Z202                  [  LCC CHEYENNE B221L
                                                                 CE   BW   WW   YW   MCE   MM   MWW   CW   MARB   REA   API   TI
                                                                 21.2  -4.6  64.9  107.3  11.3  26.9   59.3   14.9   0.44   0.17   160.3  82.3
                                                                 1%  3%  90%  75%  4%  25%  65%  99%  45%  99%  15%  50%
                                                               The moderate framed, more refined female certainly appears to be geared
                                                               for calving ease and maternal attributes. It’s important to appreciate her
                                                               Rebel Yell x Red Moon pedigree as she brings maternal expectations to
                               Lot 57                          the forefront of the conversation. Top 1% CE. Top 3% BW and MCE. Top
                                                               10% Doc. Top 15% Stay and API. AI bred to CDI/NF Honor Guard 267H
                                                               on 6/12. Pasture exposed to DSR Incognito K43 [6/19 to 7/31]. Due 3/28
                                                               with a bull calf.
        Generations of Genetics – DECKERT SIMMENTAL RANCH                                                         27
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