Page 9 - Gustin's Diamond D Gelbvieh Production Sale – Feb. 20, 2025
P. 9


               We are excited to offer these two JKGF All American sons to start this year’s sale. They are out of two of our highest producing cows,
              and we feel that their overall genetic potential is as strong as any bull we have ever offered. They are 99% purebreds that are homo black
               and homo polled, had our 2 highest weaning weights and had the 2 highest actual weights at the January weighing, while measuring
              35.5 cm actual scrotals at ten months of age. Their EPD profiles are exceptional for both growth and carcass. They check a lot of boxes
                    for us and we intend to collect both of them and use them in our AI program to see which one works best in our herd.

                                                                    1        DDGR HERCULES 20M
                                                                             Homo Black • Purebred 99.9% • Homo Polled • Bull
                                                                 BD:  3/10/24  BW:  86  Adj. WW: 830   Reg:1595582

                                                               JKGF ALL AMERICAN  J109     DLW TPG FRONTRUNNER 2510F
                                                                                           JKGF F109 ET
                                                               DDGR 17E                    CCRO CAROLINA LEVERAGE 3214A
                                                                                           DDGR 169C
                                                                 CED  BW   WW  YW   M   TM  CEM   ST   YG   CW   REA   MB   FPI
                                                                12.8  -0.3  91  143  30  76   9   19.7  -0.24  32  0.98  0.47   97.47
                                                               The Hercules bull is out of the only cow we have flushed in recent years. The 17E dam
                                                               is a larger framed Leverage daughter that had our heaviest weaning weight calf as a
                                                               first calf heifer in 2019, and has continued to wean high performance calves. Hercules
                                                               has been a standout all summer, had our 2nd highest weaning weight this year at 830#
                                                               without creep, and was our heaviest calf at the January weighing. He has great length
                                 Lot 1
                                 Lot 1                         and muscle expression in a larger framed package. His EPD profile is exceptional, with
                                                               YW, TM and FPI in the top 1%, WW top 2%, REA top 5% and MB top 10%. Since we
                                                               are wanting to add some frame to our herd and would like to use him naturally, we
                                                               are selling 50% possession and 50% semen interest with alternating years of pos-
                                                               session, with the buyer getting possession the first year, or splitting fall and spring
                                                               possession. Buyer has the option of offering semen sales or holding sales off the
                                                               market for one year.
                                          Lot 1
                                          Lot 1
                                          with his
                                          with his
                                          dam this
                                          dam this

                                                                    2        DDGR BLACK TIE 46M
                                                                             Homo Black • Purebred 99.9% • Homo Polled • Bull
                                                                 BD:  3/19/24  BW:  96  Adj. WW: 878   Reg:1595841

                                                               JKGF ALL AMERICAN  J109     DLW TPG FRONTRUNNER 2510F
                                                                                           JKGF F109 ET
                                                               DDGR 57H                    DCHD GBG CROWN ROYAL 117C
                                                                                           DDGR 204E
                                                                 CED  BW   WW  YW   M   TM  CEM   ST   YG   CW   REA   MB   FPI
                                                                11.4  1.8  98  156  28  77  7  18.5  -0.39  45  1.23  0.37  97.05

                                                               At weaning the Black Tie bull had the highest 205 day weight we have had in years, at
                                                               878# without creep. He continues to impress, being one of the fastest gainers on feed,
                                                               and had the 2nd highest actual weight at our January weighing. His young dam is a
                                                               deep bodied, moderate framed cow that had our heaviest yearling weight bull in our
                                                               2023 sale as a first calf heifer. She has gone on to earn Dam of Merit honors in her first
                                 Lot 2                         year eligible. The Black Tie bull excels in overall length of body and has great depth and
                                 Lot 2
                                                               capacity. He also is clean fronted with great neck extension. His EPD profile puts him
                                                               in the top 1% for WW, YW, TM, REA, and FPI, and the top 15% for marbling. For those
                                                               wanting more of an outcross pedigree and a moderate framed bull, Black Tie will fit
                                                               your needs. Selling full possession and 50% semen interest.

                                          JKGF All American J109,
                                          JKGF Al l American J109,
                                          Sire to Lot 2
                                          Sire to Lot 2
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