Page 18 - Loonan Stock Farm Private Treaty Auction – Feb. 1, 2025
P. 18

Red Angus Sale Bulls

         Tag  Sire        Poll    Birth  Birth  9-6  205   10-22  46  11-19  28   12-17  28   102              Price
                          Horn    Date  Wt.    Wt.   Adj.  Wt.  Day   Wt.   Day   Wt.   Day   Day
                                                     Wt.        ADG         ADG         ADG   ADG
              Calf Reg #  Dam
              %Sim Red Ang  EPD's
         R36w  STOCKMARKET  P     2/25/24 91   594   622   714  2.61  796   2.93  910   4.07  3.10            $4,200
              4970896     CRS Diamnd Sovereign 5282 (2480F) x CRS Diamnd Amplitude 299 (2289D) x Shoco Firefly V83 (1191S)   Frame Score  5.8
              PB  1B  99.9%  | C.E.  15   *  | B.W.  -2.9 |W.W.  69 | Y.W.  112 | M.E.  7 |MILK  33 |STAY   18
              CARCASS     Dam:    15              -2.1        66        103           3          39         24
              MA  .49     Sire:   13              -2.4        73        122           11         28         12
              RE  .16     BW History of Dam on 4 Calves:  Range 61-91  Ave. 76#                    Cow Wt. 1345
              BF  .01     ProS 111  HB 75  GM 37     Top 3% of the breed for Milk, 10% Stay, 13% HB and 23% ProS.  His dam has a MPPA of 106
                          and he has a weaning ratio of 107.  This is her first bull calf.

         R37w  STOCKMARKET  P     2/25/24 66   556   596   666  2.39  768   3.64  894   4.5   3.31            $4,200
              4970738     Larson Totem 150 (2106B) x Beckton Hustler N859 (1085R) X Schular Figaro 3573 (4971) x (3694)  Frame Score  5.8
              PB  1B  99.9%  | C.E.  11   *  | B.W.  0.5 |W.W.  78 | Y.W.  133 | M.E.  19 | MILK  30 | STAY  15
              CARCASS     Dam:    9               3.1         80        139           27         31         18
              MA  .54     Sire:   13              -2.4        73        122           11         28         12
              RE  0.08    BW History of Dam on 8 Calves:  Range 66-125   Ave. 88#                  Cow Wt. 1400
              BF  .01     ProS 90  HB 42  GM 48   High Weaning and Yearling weight EPD's.  Top 5% of the breed for Yearling Weight, 10% Weaning
                          Weight and 17% Milk.  His dam has a MPPA of 106 and he has a weaning weight ratio of 103.  Three maternal brothers had
                          Rib Eyes of 11.08, 13.13 and 12.33 all Choice plus marbling.
         R38w  JULIAN H384  P     2/26/24 68   564   633   638  1.61  700   2.21  774   2.64  2.06            $4,000
              4971062     Beckton Cardinal E372 (2759J) x Poke Big Jon 3029 5038 (2608G) x Larson Totem 150 (2025B) x (1512W)  Frame Score  5.3
              PB  1A   100%  | C.E.  19   * *  | B.W.  -6.2 |W.W.  55 | Y.W.  86 | M.E.  -2 | MILK  32 |STAY  17
              CARCASS     Dam:    20              -6.8        56         87           0          36         19
              MA  .28     Sire:   16              -5.4        62         93           -4         34         16
              RE  0.01    BW History of Dam on 2 Calves:  Range 60-68  Ave. 64#                    Cow Wt.  1240
              BF  .02     ProS 93  HB 77  GM 16    Two star because his pedigree has Big Jon and Totem in it which are performance sires.  Top 2%
                          of the breed for CED and Birthweight, 7% Milk, 11% HB and 19% Stay.  He has a weaning ratio of 109.

         R39w  REBOURN 9073  P    2/26/24 75   570   677   686  2.52  788   3.64  914   4.5   3.37            $4,200
              4971130     BSF Likable G288 (2948K) x BSF Clifftop C186 (2527F) x Larson Totem 150 (1895A) x (1259T)  Frame Score  5.5
              PB  1B   99.9%  | C.E.  17  * * * | B.W.  -5.5 |W.W.  67 | Y.W.  116 | M.E.  11 | MILK  27 | STAY  16
              CARCASS     Dam:    18              -4.9        68        121           13         32         16
              MA  .50     Sire:   18              -6.2        75        123           8          32         18
              RE  -0.01   BW History of Dam on 1 Calf:  BW 75#  1st Calf Heifer                    Cow Wt. 984
              BF  .04     ProS 106  HB 61  GM 45  Three generations of our higher performing calving ease sires.  His dam weaned of 58% of her
                          body weight with only milk and grass no creep feed.  He came in with a weaning ratio of 117 and ranked 1/96.  He is in the
                          top 4% of the breed for Birthweight, 5% CED and 24% Yearling Weight.  His dam has a MPPA of 107.
         R40w  REPUTATION  P      2/27/24 77   524   559   628  2.26  702   2.64  786   3.0   2.57            $4,000
              4970790     BSF Nebula U049 (2165C) x TR Julian PT427 (1338T) x LSFR Hill Country 2LW (975P) x JKG Bar Amanda  Frame Score  5.5
              PB  1B  99.9%  | C.E.  17  * * * | B.W.  -4.9 |W.W.  62 | Y.W.  93 | M.E.  2 | MILK  31 | STAY  19
              CARCASS     Dam:    17              -4.1        54         76           -4         28         23
              MA  .44     Sire:   16              -4.2        73        114           7          33         15
              RE    0.09  BW History of Dam on 8 Calves:  Range 60-84  Ave. 72#                    Cow Wt. 1425
              BF .01      ProS 102  HB 83  GM 20  Top 5% of the breed for Stay, 6% CED and HB, 7% Birthweight and 10% Milk.  Three maternal
                          brothers had Rib Eyes of 15.18, 12.66 and 15.47 one  Choice plus, one Choice and one Choice minus.
         R42w  STOCKMARKET  P     2/28/24 75   576   612   718  3.09  796   2.79  932   4.86  3.49            $4,200
              4970808     Beckton Accent W226 (2237D) x Beckton Warrior R577 (1578X) x MTN View Robinhood 987 (849N)   Frame Score  5.7
              PB  1B  99.9%  | C.E.  14   *  | B.W.  -2.2 |W.W.  70 | Y.W.  119 | M.E.  11 | MILK  29 | STAY  16
              CARCASS     Dam:    15              -1.8        65        113           10         32         20
              MA  .47     Sire:   13              -2.4        73        122           11         28         12
              RE   -0.01  BW History of Dam on 8 Calves:  Range 51-90  Ave. 73#                    Cow Wt. 1540
              BF  .01     ProS 97  HB 60  GM 37   Bred alike EPD's for consistancy in his calves.  Top 20% of the breed for Yearling Weight and 22% Milk.
                          He has a weaning weight ratio of 106 and his dam has a MPPA of 105.  Four maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 13.82, 11.69,
                          12.97 and 13.46, one Choice plus and three Choice marbling.

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