Page 2 - Twedt Red Angus Annual Production Sale – Feb. 4, 2025
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Wel come
We invite you to join us for our 15th Annual Production Sale! We’re excited to present this year’s offering, which we believe is the best set of bulls
we’ve raised to date. With many new sires to choose from, we’re eager for you to evaluate them. We take great pride in only offering bulls that we
believe will make a genetic impact on your herd.
What an exciting time to be in the cattle business! We’ve never seen this level of optimism before. With historic highs in feeder calf and live cattle
prices, it’s incredible to see so many smiles as people walk out of the sale barns. It’s truly a fun and rewarding time to be part of this industry.
As always, we’ve gone the extra mile to provide as much information as possible about these bulls. All of them have been parent-verified, genom-
ic-enhanced EPDs, carcass-ultrasounded, and have complete performance data available. Additionally, we’ve provided ratios for everything. Ratios
are a valuable tool to evaluate how cattle compare within their contemporaries, though they aren’t meant to be compared across herds.
Customer satisfaction is extremely important to us. We stand behind these bulls and want to ensure your investments are working for you. We
understand that every operation has unique needs when selecting bulls, so please don’t hesitate to call us to discuss the offering. I know this cow
herd inside and out and can help you find the bull that’s right for your program.
We are passionate about raising Red Angus cattle and take our role seriously, knowing the
decisions we make have an impact on your operation. Thank you for trusting us, and we look
forward to continuing to earn that trust in the
Finally, we want to thank God for the opportunity
to do what we love and enjoy His beautiful creation
every day.
Sam Twedt
God bless, and we hope to see you on February 2061 95th Ave NE
4th! McHenry, ND 58464
(701) 388-4035 • (701) 262-4768
Sam Twedt
Sam, Emily, Nora, Brynn, Wyatt & Eden Twedt
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