Page 11 - DK Red Angus Bull and Heifer Sale – March 1, 2025
P. 11

Red Angus Bulls
                                                                  1 1  DK STARTUP M721

                                                                          BD     Cat.     %         Reg. #   Calving Ease
                                                                         3/9/24  1A       100%     5000353     H
                                                                         BW   WW   YW    ADG   WDA    Dam’s Age  Dam’s MPPA
                                                                         84   713  1241  3.29  3.39     8       100
                                                                             RED U2 DOMINION     RED HOWE HESSTON 212C
                                                                          NIO START UP 1294      RED U2 HIDEE HO 459D
                                                                                                 RED U-2 STRIKE FORCE 24Y
                                                                             RED U-2 MS DYNAMO 35B  RED U-2 MS DYNAMO 425X
                                                                             HLH PERFECT VISION 0238 2020  RED SSS OLY 554T
                                                                ProS   HB   GM  DK MISS OLY D21  HLH MS NEB 5045 0238
                                                                107  54  53  DK MISS BRONSON B021  NS BRONSON X079
                                                                 44%  47%  43%                   DK MISS TROJAN X421
                                                                 CED  BW  WW   YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 10  0.6  74  121  0.29  1.13  26  11  12  5  17  0.35  0.04  34  0.30  0.01
                                                                 88%  88%  20%   18%  17%   88%  45%  89%  45%  87%  18%  72%   36%  15%  21%  41%
                                                               Consistent. Startup stamps his calves with a big top and hind quarter. DK Miss Oly D21
                                                               always raises a calf that moves up the sale order or shines in the replacement pen. DK Startup
                                                     Lot 1
                                                     Lot 1     M721 is a hard to beat, great bull.

                                                                  2 2  DK MIDAS M200
                                                                          BD     Cat.     %         Reg. #   Calving Ease
                                                                        2/17/24  1A       100%     5000641    HH
                                                                         BW   WW   YW    ADG   WDA    Dam’s Age  Dam’s MPPA
                                                                         79   780  1434  4.07  3.57     2       105
                                                                             PIE QUARTERBACK 789  PIE STOCKMAN 4051
                                                                          PIE MIDAS 154          PIE RUBY 520
                                                                                                 PELTON WIDELOAD 78B
                                                                             TKP MISS PEBBLES 9120  TKP MISS PEBBLES 6166
                                                                             WILLOW TOP PICK 750-1919  9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305
                                                                ProS   HB   GM  DK MISS TOPPICK K700  PDG WILLOW MISCHIEF 750
                                                                134  64  70  DK MISS LOOKOUT F7001  DK LOOKOUT D231
                                                                 12%  28%  16%                   DK MISS EAGLE C7001
                                                                 CED  BW  WW   YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 16  -2.0  81  142  0.38  1.25  36  9  11  10  16  0.36  0.06  42  0.43  0.03
                                                                 12%  46%  7%   3%   1%   93%   1%  81%  57%  6%  36%  71%   48%  5%  7%   65%
                                                               79-pound birth and 780-pound WW – this first calver did her job. Live calves that grow like
                                                               crazy, averaging 4.07 pound per day, which will become the norm when sired by DK Midas
                                                    Lot 2
                                                    Lot 2      M200. Add to it top 1% type females, what an opportunity.

                                                                  3 3  DK INVASION M011

                                                                          BD     Cat.     %         Reg. #   Calving Ease
                                                                        2/19/24  1A       100%     5000461    HH
                                                                         BW   WW   YW    ADG   WDA    Dam’s Age  Dam’s MPPA
                                                                         78   749  1234  3.02  3.35     4       106
                                                                             PELTON WIDELOAD 78B  SLGN WIDELOAD 920W
                                                                          LEM INVASION 2016 ET   PELTON MISS JAYLA 0508S
                                                                                                 PIE ONE OF A KIND 352
                                                                             LEM ONEKIND 933 ET  LEM MS DIRECTION 712 ET
                                                                             BB RENAISSANCE 8067  CRUMP MISSION STATEMENT 6187
                                                                ProS   HB   GM  TRIM MS RIVIERA H011  BB MS STORM 1021
                                                                 77  33  44  AIRO MISS 411       RED NORTHLINE FAT TONY 605U
                                                                 86%  84%  67%                   AIRO MISS ABOVE AND BEYOND 2
                                                                 CED  BW  WW   YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 15  -2.9  69  117  0.29  1.03  32  15  11  8  13  0.31  0.11  26  0.14  0.03
                                                                 26%  30%  34%   24%  17%   82%   7%  95%  56%  28%  70%  79%   71%  39%  47%  77%
                                                               Performance, calving ease, structural correctness and maternal proficiency are for sale right
                                                               here. DK Invasion M011 should be on every short list. His young mother is building quite a
                     Lot 3
                     Lot 3                                     history of building herd bulls with a 106 MPPA.
                        Lot 3 as a calf
                        Lot 3 as a cal f
                                                                                                      DK Red Angus – 9
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