Page 23 - Katus Ranch Angus Bull Sale – March 9, 2025
P. 23

                                     y 5832
                                 p Ma
                         V B
                                                                                          e 8616
                                                                               V Em
                      SAV Blackcap May 5832                                 SAV Emblynette 8616
        A picture-perfect female for phenotype and udder, whose production   The dam to the $140,000 Pancho Villa, one of the top selling bulls
        record has set herself amongst the best daughters of SAV Blackcap   in the 2021 SAV sale. This beautiful, broody, high end producing
        May 4136. She has two flush sisters selling in the SAV sale for   female, who may be one of the best all time producing daughters of
        $245,000 and $210,000 in 2016. Her dam “4136” is the #1 income   SAV Rainfall 6846 to date, is a one-of-a-kind female. She will play
        producing cow in Angus breed history. 5832 is getting flushed   a huge role in our herd in the future. 8616 will be a feature donor
        aggressively. Look for 5832 progeny in our future sales.  female for years to come at the Katus Ranch.
                                                                              V B
                                                                                      p Ma
                                                                                          y 5442
                         Mo h n e n Ji lt 1827                              SAV Blackcap May 5442
                         Mohnen Jilt 1827
        This elite donor female has impeccable foot quality with no gap and    A Word Class female for phenotype, depth of body and maternal
        excellent heal depth. She is so easy fleshing, huge topped, with nice   ability. 5442 is one of the most impressive daughters of SAV
        tight udder and small teats. Yet truly so beautiful up through the front   Blackcap May 4136 and Registry to date. She is a flush sister to SAV
        third and docility that is second to none.  ranks top 4% for Claw, top 5%   Sensation and full sister to SAV Seedstock 4836.
        for HS, top 15% for WW, top 20% for YW and Docility, top 25% for HP.

                                                                             SAV Blackbird 8522
                          Mohnen Jilt 132
                          Mo h n e n Ji lt 132                               SA V B l ac k b i r d 8522
        Mohnen Jilt 132 is the direct result of mating Sitz Resilient with the
        pathfinder dam Mohnen Jilt 1412. 132 has the right balance and look
        to do great things. Ranks top 10% for $W, top 15% for WW, top 20%
        for YW, HP and Angle.

                                                                            SAV Blackcap May 1430
                      SAV Madame Pride 2335
                      SA V Ma d a m e P ri d e 2335                         SA V B l ac k c a p Ma y 1430
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