Page 21 - Leland-Koester Red Angus 42nd Production Sale – March 14, 2025
P. 21

19       #5002349 • Dam’s Age: 10 • 4/2/24 • 87.4% AR 11.7% SM 1B
                                                                                 LELAND TREADSTONE 4132

                                                                                             5L ADVANTAGE 3267-221Y
                                                                    5L BOURNE 117-48A
                                                                  FEDDES TREADSTONE 704-9352  5L ROXIE 854-117
                                                                    FEDS BLOCKANA C34 704    FEDDES SILVER BOW B226
                                                                                             FEDDES BLOCKANA 8121-C34
                                                                                             NSF LEADING EDGE N013
                                                                    LSF RR LEADING COUNT 1830Y  LSF COUNTESS K1490 R5122
                                                                  LELAND FULL COUNT 4617     WS BEEF MAKER R13
                                                                    LELAND BEEF MAKER 403Z   LELAND TREND SETTER 8110U
                                                                   CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  M  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA
                                                                    7   -1.5  81  131  0.31  37   15   4   18   0.63  -0.05  47  0.83
                                                                    97%  56%  7%  7%   10%  1%  6%   93%  11%  16%   11%   2%   1%
                                                                    ProS   HB   GM
                                                                    159  72   87    BW   WW   WR   YW   YR   MPPA  SUSP  TEAT
        LELAND FULL HOUSE 0265, Maternal Brother to Lot 19          2%  15%  4%    86   815  117  1425  109  105   7   7
           •  Weaning at 815lbs. (117) and boasting a 1425lb. YW (109) spells growth with top carcass.
           •  This bull has been a standout all summer and warrants his top sale position.
           •  His 10-year-old dam has done it before with top bulls to Saunders, WY, Pennington, ND and herd sire Leland Full House
            0265, who excelled in growth and carcass.
           •  Notice the foot and udder scores, indexes, maternal and superior carcass data.
           •  Cattlemen should really like this complete, smooth-made cow bull.
                                                                  20           LELAND QUARTERBACK 4158
                                                                               #5002491 • Dam’s Age: 6 • 4/3/24 • 100% 1A
                                                                                             PIE STOCKMAN 4051
                                                                    PIE QUARTERBACK 789
                                                                  IRON LRNZN FOUR QUARTERS   PIE RUBY 520
                                                                    RAISLAND REBELLA 724-804  5L BOURNE 117-48A
                                                                                             ROBIN’S 5 BELOW 804-502
                                                                                             LJC MERLIN T179
                                                                    WFL MERLIN 018A          WFL COMMITMENT 042Y
                                                                  LELAND FRANKLY 018-8473    GLACIER CHATEAU 744
                                                                    LELAND CHATEAU 372Z      LELAND ADVANTAGE 257X
                                                                   CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  M  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA
                                                                    8   0.8   82  133  0.31  33   11   3   10   0.43  -0.10  24  0.48
                                                                    97%  90%  5%  6%   10%  3%  66%   98%  92%  47%   3%   46%   4%
                                                                    ProS   HB   GM
                                                                    59   7   52    BW   WW   WR   YW   YR   MPPA  SUSP  TEAT
        Lot 20, LELAND QUARTERBACK 4158                             96%  99%  47%    98   727  111  1344  106  106   5   5
           •  A big performance bull with strong WW, YW, Milk and REA EPDs.
           •  A maternal brother with nearly identical data sold as Lot 14 last year to Jacobson Ranch, ND
           •  His dark red hair coat and deep quarter adds to his attractive phenotype.

                                                                                LELAND PROPULSION 4001
                                                                  21          #5002699 • Dam’s Age: 4 • 3/15/24 • 99.9% 1B

                                                                                             PIE ONE OF A KIND 352
                                                                    PIE ONE OF A KIND 777
                                                                  BB PROPULSION 9096         PIE JULY DALLES 569
                                                                    BB MS GINNIE 6256        LARSON SUN KING 016
                                                                                             BB MS GINNIE 6019-2057
                                                                                             LJC MERLIN T179
                                                                    WFL MERLIN 018A
                                                                  LELAND FRANKIE 018-0128    WFL COMMITMENT 042Y
                                                                                             BIEBER ROLLIN DEEP Y118
                                                                    LELAND ROLLIN DEEP 6417
                                                                                             LELAND COOL 9229-448Z
                                                                   CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  M  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA
                                                                    12  -1.6  88  139  0.32  32   14   7   12   0.51  0.23   50   0.05
                                                                    67%  54%  2%  3%   8%   5%  13%   58%  78%  31%   99%   1%   67%
                                                                    ProS   HB   GM
                                                                    121  53   68    BW   WW   WR   YW   YR   MPPA  SUSP  TEAT
        Lot 21, LELAND PROPULSION 4001                              25%  49%  18%  57  700  TW  1233  TW  102  6  7
           •  A growth bull with excellent maternal values and convenience scores.
           •  Born a twin and raised by his dam, who bred back early for 2025.
           •  His indexes label him strong for carcass traits and just look at his maternal Milk and HPG EPDs!

         AVG EPDs FOR ANIMALS UNDER TWO YEARS:  ProS: 106 HB: 53 GM: 52 CED: 13 BW: -1.8 WW: 65 YW: 104 ADG: 0.24 DMI: 0.73 M: 26 ME: 2 HPG: 12 CEM: 7 ST: 15 MB: 0.45 YG: 0.05 CW: 24 REA: 0.16 FAT: 0.02 19
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