Page 6 - Leland-Koester Red Angus 42nd Production Sale – March 14, 2025
P. 6

          CIRCUMFERENCES              Average EPDs are printed at the bottom of each page and EPD breed ranks are included on the
                                      reference sires and each bull lot for easy comparison.
                     &                      AVERAGES and RANGES for NON PARENTS UNDER TWO YEARS of AGE
               FERTILITY                   ProS  HB  GM  CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI  M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA  FAT
                                       Min.  -109  -94  -84  -2  -11.2  0   0  -0.06  -1.01  0  -36  -1   -7   0   -0.52  -0.78  -36  -0.77  -0.18
          All bulls will have a breeding   Avg.  106  53  52  13  -1.8  65  104  0.24  0.73  26  2   12   7   14.6  0.45  0.05  24  0.16  0.02
          soundness evaluation and     Max.  278  151  208  26  10.0  124  204  0.50  2.76  43  39   23   16  26.8  2.10  0.47  121  1.82  0.13
          semen test before delivery.
                                             AVERAGES and RANGES for PROVEN and OPPORTUNITY SIRES
          Scrotal measurements are
          taken at 10½  to 11 months       ProS  HB  GM  CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI  M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA  FAT
          of age and adjusted to       Min.  -159  -68  -115  -3  -13.2  7.2   1  -0.07  -0.89  -1  -35  -3   -7   -3  -0.78  -0.97  -36  -0.85  -0.23
          365 days of age. Scrotal     Avg.  102  50  51  13  -1.7  67  107  0.25  0.75  26   4   12   7   15   0.44  0.06  25  0.17  0.02
          measurements will be         Max.  259  150  189  27   8.0  124  201  0.55  2.96  51  38   26   18   31   1.68  0.51  106  1.65  0.11
          available sale day.

           A-BAG-A-BULL                                                                CARCASS


                                                                            This is the 25  year we have used ultrasound
                                                                            technology to evaluate carcass characteristics.
                                                                            Weather permitting, we will have carcass
                                                                            ultrasound information available on all bulls
                                                                            just prior to the sale that can be accessed on
                                                                            our web site.
                                                                            This information will be available for our
                                                                            customers upon request and more importantly
                                                                            it will be used for more meaningful genetic
                                                                            evaluations in the future as it contributes to
                                                                            carcass EPDs.

          If you purchase a bull from us, we  will provide a credit of one bag of FFCP or  AA tag, OR $25   RETAINED INTEREST
          towards EID tags per bull purchased. To redeem your credit, bring your receipt for the tags to next
          year’s sale and we will apply it to your bull purchase.           One-half semen interest is retained and full possession
                                                                            selling on all bulls. This means purchaser buys the bull
          The FCCP provides age, source and genetic verifi cation for calves sired by registered Red Angus
          bulls. The FCCP ‘yellow tags’ are recognized by buyers nationwide and return a premium for Red   for what he bids and gets 100% possession and 100%
          Angus calves enrolled in the program.                             resale value of the bull when he sells him. It does give
                                                                            Leland Red Angus and Koester Red Angus the option
          The Allied Access program provides age and source verifi cation for commercial cattlemen whose   to collect, use and market semen from the bull and
          bull battery does not exclusively contain registered Red Angus bulls. Whether you are utilizing   does not restrict purchaser from doing the same. This
          multiple sire breeds or halfblood bulls, enrolling in Allied Access demonstrates to buyers that   collection, unless agreed otherwise, would be done
          you are taking an extra step in marketing your calves and adding value throughout the production   at the expense of Leland Red Angus or Koester Red
          chain.                                                            Angus and at the purchaser’s convenience. Leland
                                                                            Red Angus or Koester Red Angus would assume full
          To enroll in the FCCP or Allied Access, contact the Red Angus marketing department. Enrollment is   liability for the bull’s welfare at the purchase value
          simple and free of charge.                                        during transportation and collection unless it is a joint

                                                      venture with the purchaser. In such a case, liability
                                                                            would be proportionately assumed.

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