Page 17 - Milk Creek Reds Annual Red Angus Bull Sale – March 15, 2025
P. 17

                                                                                                  ling Bul
                                                                                         Yearling Bulls
                                                                          28      MLK CRK BODY BUILDER 4400
                                                                        REG. # 4997863  TATTOO: 4400 BTK  BD: 3/7/24  100% 1A
                                                                          5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B  [ 5L DEFENDER 560-30Z  BW/Ratio  76  ET
                                                                   5L BODY BUILDER 4434-68D  5L OPAL 656-2218  WW/Ratio 711  ET
                                                                          5L RED BIRD 411-4434  [ 5L CRAFTSMAN 1134-150X  YW/Ratio 1166 ET
                                                                                         5L RED BIRD 1312-411
                                                                                                        ADG/Ratio 2.84 ET
                                                                          MLK CRK REDSTONE  [ TR JULIAN LT142  %IMF/Ratio 2.24 96
                                                                   MLK CRK BONNEBELL 316  MLK CRK LENA 763  REA/Ratio 12.7 101
                                                                          MLK CRK BONNEBELL 761  [ SHOCO DATA  Fat/Ratio 0.35 142
                                                                ProS   HB   GM           MLK CRK BONNEBELL 717
                                                                78  25  53                              Dam’s   112  11
                                                                85%  93%  43%
                                                                 CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST   MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                10  -0.1  70  106  0.22  0.84  29  6  8  3  15  0.53  0.08  27  0.14  0.02
                                                                86%  81%  32%  47%  65%  63%  20%  63%  98%  98%  48%  28%  55%  34%  46%  48%
                                                               We flushed 3 of our donors to Body Builder. These donors were 10-12 years of age and
              Dam to Lot 28 • MLK CRK BONNEBELL 316            hadn’t missed a calving opportunity and had very good feet, udders and production records.
                                                               Lot 27 is the result of a flush out of our 112 MPPA Redstone daughter.

                                                                          29      MLK CRK BODY BUILDER 4404

                                                                        REG. # 4997867  TATTOO: 4404 BTK  BD: 3/14/24  100% 1A
                                                                          5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B  [ 5L DEFENDER 560-30Z  BW/Ratio  97  ET
                                                                   5L BODY BUILDER 4434-68D  5L OPAL 656-2218  WW/Ratio 707  ET
                                                                          5L RED BIRD 411-4434  [ 5L CRAFTSMAN 1134-150X  YW/Ratio 1194 ET
                                                                                         5L RED BIRD 1312-411
                                                                                                        ADG/Ratio 3.04 ET
                                                                          RED CROWFOOT 83X  [ CBR RUMBLER 2362-8586  %IMF/Ratio 3.21 137
                                                                   RED XO CROWFOOT LADY 2444Z  RED CROWFOOT LADY ERICA 8080  REA/Ratio 13.5 107
                                                                          RED XO CROWFOOT LADY 076X [ RED SSS OLY 22U  Fat/Ratio 0.22 89
                                                                ProS   HB   GM           RED CROWFOOT LADY 6503S
                                                                46   2  44                              Dam’s   103  12
                                                                99%  99%  65%
                                                                 CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST   MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 7  0.8  60  93  0.21  0.89  24  2  8  0  13  0.51  0.05  16  0.07  0.01
                                                                98%  90%  71%  75%  76%  68%  65%  37%  98%  99%  77%  31%  37%  77%  61%  41%
                                                               4404 is the result of a flush out of the Crowfoot Lady 2444z that we purchased out of the
           Dam to Lot 29 • RED XO CROWFOOT LADY 2444Z          Crowfoot dispersion in 2013 as a bred heifer. He has thickness, depth, and performance
                                                               that is coming from both sides of his pedigree.

                                                                          30      MLK CRK BODY BUILDER 4405

                                                                        REG. # 4997855  TATTOO: 4405 BTK  BD: 3/14/24  100% 1A
                                                                          5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B  [ 5L DEFENDER 560-30Z  BW/Ratio  80  ET
                                                                   5L BODY BUILDER 4434-68D  5L OPAL 656-2218  WW/Ratio 632  ET
                                                                          5L RED BIRD 411-4434  [ 5L CRAFTSMAN 1134-150X  YW/Ratio 1067 ET
                                                                                         5L RED BIRD 1312-411
                                                                                                        ADG/Ratio 2.72 ET
                                                                          XO CROWFOOT 0102X  [ RED CROWFOOT MOONSHINE 8081U  %IMF/Ratio 2.47 106
                                                                   RED XO CROWFOOT PRINCENE 338  XO CROWFOOT BLACKBIRD 8810U  REA/Ratio 11.7 93
                                                                          CROWFOOT PRINCENE 6554S  [ CROWFOOT 3500N  Fat/Ratio 0.20 81
                                                                ProS   HB   GM           CROWFOOT PRINCENE 2681M
                                                                63  20  42                              Dam’s   100  11
                                                                95%  95%  69%
                                                                 CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST   MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 9  0.7  70  105  0.22  1.00  23  -2  9  0  14  0.42  0.04  27  0.32  0.03
                                                                91%  90%  33%  48%  67%  79%  78%  24%  89%  99%  58%  49%  37%  36%  19%  72%
                                                               Lot 30 is the last Body Builder in this years offering and comes out of the Crowfoot Prin-
          Dam to Lot 30 • RED XO CROWFOOT PRINCENE 338         cene cow who is also the mother to the Copenhagen 2223 sire that has progeny in this sale.

        Catalog and video online at                                   Milk Creek Reds Bull Sale – 15
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