Page 12 - Red Hill Farms Annual Bull Sale – March 15, 2025
P. 12

Spring 2025 – Red Hill Farms                      Red Angus Bulls
        4     REDHILL 233J EVEREADY L658     REDHILL EVEREADY 233J
                                                  BIEBER CL ENERGIZE F121
                REG. #   CATEGORY                 REDHILL 176A BARMAID 208D
                                                  RHF-BFCK 176A MEDAL 240C
        BULL   4854294  1A  100%             RCC MISS ELAINE E71
        OPENING BID: $5500  BD: 9/12/23           RCC MISS CARLA C25
        $PROFIT: $18,551 (4.4%)  $RANCH: 89 (5.4%)  $FEEDER: 143 (9.3%)  COW FERTILITY: 2.07 (6%)
              CED   BW   WW   YW   MILK   ME   HPG   CEM   STAY   MARB   YG   REA
        EPDs  13  -1.2  76  123  29   10   20   6    17  0.52  0.14  0.02
        AR %  49%  61%  16%  15%  20%  82%  1%  64%  19%  30%  85%   71%
         ProS      136   11%    BW   BWR   WWR  YWR   %IMF   REA   SC   FRAME
         HerdBuilder   82   7%  83  ET  ET  ET  105  103  39.0  4+
         GridMaster    54   41%  Dam’s Info   YOB   WT   BCS   BR   WR   YR   D_MPPA
                                       2017  1320  7  6/92  4/101  4/102  101.0
        L658 has been a favorite all fall and winter. He has a wide body with slick hair. Check out the excellent soundness in this
        balanced trait, superior bull.

                         RCC MISS ELAINE E71, dam of Lots 4-9

        E71 combines two of the most proven Red Hill maternal bulls – RedHill T189 Medal 176A and RedHill Julian 84S. We
        have flushed E71 twice, and she has proven to be an excellent donor while breeding up to stay in the same calving
        season. E71 is moderate and low maintenance but produces calves that consistently outperform their contemporaries.
        We believe E71 has the suite of traits needed to make functional, forage-based cattle that are very productive on reduced
        inputs. She has produced a top end bull in the 2023 and 2024 sales going to Lick Skillet (TN) and Pedigo (KY). Sons sell
        as LOTS 4-9.

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