Page 2 - Lazy J Bar Ranch's New Year's Eve Extravaganza
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        The last year has defi nitely been one for the record books.   the world. I thank God daily for the blessing of having the
        As I refl ect on the last year, I am truly convinced that there   chance to raise our kids in the livestock industry. But, most
        is no better business to be in than farming and ranching.   importantly the chance to make life-long friends you can
        While the prices may not always be in our favor and the   count on to be there when you need them. I can’t tell you
        work isn’t always easy, we are never far from a friend or   how much each and every one of you mean to us!
        neighbor that is willing to lend a hand in the time of need.
        You don’t get that in every sector of the business world and   We cannot stress enough that this is a family event. Please
        I think we take for granted just how lucky we really are.  bring your spouses and children. The hotel has a pool and
                                                               what kids don’t like a dance? We like to travel with our
        A friend of mine just posted a quote on social media and it   family and hope you feel comfortable doing the same if you
        read something like this, “Old roads, Old dogs, Old folks   so choose.
        and Old ways still have a lot to offer in this sped-up world
        we all live in.”                                       We know how crazy and hectic this time of year is so please
                                                               don’t hesitate to call us, the sale consultants, ringmen, auc-
        We often get so busy making a living that we forget to take   tioneer or DV rep for questions about the cattle or absentee
        time for the little things in life that we can’t purchase. Don’t   bidding. You can watch lot videos on our website or on DV
        forget to spend time with your family and friends this com-  Auction.
        ing year. Take a moment to stop and take a breath and give
        thanks for everything and everyone around you. We are lent   We hope to see you in a couple weeks and want to wish you
        just a little bit of time on this earth and it is up to us how we   a very Merry Christmas and safe travels!
        choose to live it.
                                                               Lazy J Bar Ranch Crew
        I hope as you read this you smile and have a fond memory
        or two of time we have spent together. I say this every year,   Steph and the rest of the Lazy J Bar Ranch
        but this “livestock family” we have is the best family in   crew – John, Alex, Brooke, Kale and Jacob
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