Page 2 - Valnes Ranch Red Angus Annual Production Sale Bulls-Heifers
P. 2


        Welcome to our 9th annual bull sale!
        I would like to sincerely thank all of our customers/friends, and neighbors for their support and trust in our program.  It is always humbling each year
        when one realizes that without you (the customers) we would be nothing, so we deeply appreciate you support, and look forward to seeing you again this
        year, serving your needs the best that we can.

        It’s hard to believe another year has already gone by!  It seems the older we get the faster time goes by, and since the old saying goes “time fl ies when
        you’re having fun”, I guess this past year has been “a lot of fun”.  That’s the positive way of looking at things and I believe it is always best to look at
        things in a positive light.  That helps to make life and work much more pleasant and much more rewarding.
        We had a good year despite the dry conditions early in 2016.  Hay was a little short to start with but we had a good third cutting of alfalfa and the best
        corn silage I have ever raised.  Our calves were the heaviest they have been in years coming off the cow, our steers averaged 678 lbs off the cow the fi rst
        week in November, with no creep feed.  I was very happy!  The bulls were a lot heavier also.  We weaned the bulls around the middle part of October
        and they have done really well this winter despite the cold and ice.  No creep feed was fed to the bulls either.  They are fed a high roughage diet to gain
        around that 2.5lbs per day, this helps to ensure good feet and longevity of the bulls for you the customer.  This is one the most structurally correct set of
        bulls with the best feet on them I think we have raised.  I think that you will be very pleased with them on sale day.  We have added a few new sires to the
        lineup again, as well as our proven home raised sires that we have been using.  They are a very even set of bulls and we are excited for you to take a look
        at them on April 8th at the sale.

        We continue to strive to raise very functional cattle that meet the needs of today’s advancing beef demands, by selecting for traits such as fl eshing ability,
        effi ciency, performance, eye appeal, carcass merit, fertility, udder and feet structure, longevity, and disposition.  We continue to test our own genetics in
        our commercial herd as well to make sure that they will meet your needs.  We also try to provide the best customer service that we possibly can and we
        hope that we are meeting all your needs.  If not, please let us know how we can help you more.  I do believe that all those raising Red Angus cattle are
        like one big family and family always comes fi rst!  That is how we feel about you as our customers, you come fi rst.   We look forward to seeing  you on
        sale day and if there is anything that we can assist you with prior to or on sale day please feel free to let us know or give me a call.  Hope to see you sale
        day April 8th at 1:00.

        Emit Valnes mit Valnes

         90% of the bulls offered on sale day
             have low maintenance EPDs.
             Less feed means more money
                 left in your pocket.
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