Page 5 - Valnes Ranch Red Angus Annual Production Sale Bulls-Heifers
P. 5

Sale Infor
                                                                                     Sale Informationmation

                                                                BULL MORTALITY and

                                                            LOSS OF USE INSURANCE

             Option 1:                                           Option 2:
             Bull Mortality and Loss of Use Coverage             Bull Mortality Coverage
             Values:     Bulls valued up to $30,000,             Values:      Bulls valued up to $30,000,
                            not to exceed purchase price                        not to exceed purchase price
             Term:       One Year Policy Term for Bulls            Term:      One Year Policy Term for Bulls
                         One Year of Age or More                              6 Months - 7 Years of Age

               Premium:  10% of the Purchase Price                 Premium:  5.5% of the Purchase Price
                         Premium Fully Earned                                 Premium Fully Earned
                         $150 Minimum Premium Per Animal                      $150 Minimum Premium Per Animal
             Testing:    $OO EXOOV PXVW EH WHVWHG  FHUWLÀHG DQG   Testing:    Veterinarian examination and signed
                         OLVWHG LQ WKH RIÀFLDO FDWDORJ RI D KHUG              statement of health required for all
                         sale.                                                bulls for which coverage is requested
                                                                              XQOHVV WHVWHG  FHUWLÀHG DQG OLVWHG LQ
             *Further coverage information available on page 2.               WKH RIÀFLDO FDWDORJ RI D KHUG VDOH

             Full Mortality:                                      Full Mortality:

             100% of the value of the bull in the event of        100% of the value of the bull in the event of
             death or life-threatening injury.                    death or life-threatening injury.

             Loss of Use:

             80% of the value of the bull, less salvage
             value, of in the event of Loss of Use from an
             accident, illness, or disease that can clearly
             RQ D VSHFL¿HG GDWH

             25% of the value of the bull in the event               PO Box 1540, Aberdeen, SD 57402
             of Loss of Use from an accident, illness,                      Phone: 605-225-4270
             or disease if there is a diagnosis consistent
             with an accident, illness, or disease but no
             real evidence that provides clear diagnosis               Eric Payne  |
             RU LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ                                     John Kannegieter  |

                                                                                     Program Underwritten By:
                                                                                        Concorde General Agency
                                                                               PO Box 10459, Fargo, ND 58106-0459

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