Page 4 - Lazy J Bar Ranch Red Angus Sale Heifers Bulls - New Year's Eve Extravaganza
P. 4

New Year’s Eve Extravaganza

        Please check www. for sale updates and corrections.   Load out on females will start at 9 a.m. Jan 1. Deliveries will be
        The sale will be broadcast via DV Auction so it is highly unlikely the sale  coordinated at the least possible cost to the buyer. We will charge
        will be cancelled due to weather, however please check our website or   whatever it costs us to deliver from our place to wherever we meet you.
        call one of the sale phone numbers if you have concerns or questions   If you are not hauling your own cattle we will collect trucking fees at
        about the weather. We advise that you come prepared for snow and   time of delivery. Females need to be picked-up or delivered by Jan 10th.
        very cold, windy weather.
                                                               VACCINATION RECORDS
        TERMS & CONDITIONS                                     All the calves have been vaccinated starting at birth, again at grass
        The sale will be conducted according to the suggested Terms &   turnout, weaning and post weaning poured/dewormed. For concerns
        Conditions of the Red Angus Association of America.    about Herd Health vaccinations call the seller.

        The Terms & Conditions are available online at:        The bull calves will be sold as guaranteed breeders according to the
   sale terms and conditions of the RAAA. We will keep bulls free of
                                                               charge until March 1, 2018, at which time they will be semen checked
        All guarantees on open heifers that don’t breed need to made by   and need to be picked up or delivered. You can arrange to have the
        November 1st or there will be no credit given.         bulls fed at $3.50 per day until May 20, 2018, at which time you need
                                                               to pick them up or arrange delivery as we don’t want extra bulls around
                                                               during AI season.
           LAZY J BAR RANCH RESERVES THE RIGHT TO:             The heifer calves have been brucellosis vaccinated and will be sold
                                                               as guaranteed breeders according to the sale terms and conditions of
           •  Retain 25% semen interest on all of the bulls offered   RAAA. All females or 2-year-old-bulls NOT delivered prior to Jan. 10
              in this sale.                                    will be subject to $4-per-head-per-day feed charge.
           •  Right to fl ush on any of the open heifers in this sale   Bred cattle will be pregnancy checked again prior to the sale. They are
              at our expense and your convenience (for our in-herd   brucellosis vaccinated and for more herd health info call the sellers.
              use only).
                                                               CATALOG & PROMOTION .....................................Cow Camp Promotions

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