Page 3 - Croissant Red Angus Bull Sale – March 23, 2019
P. 3


               Welcome to the 19th annual Croissant Red Angus production sale. This year we will be offering 84 year-
               ling Red Angus bulls ready to go to work for you. The bulls represented this year deliver profi t traits well
               above breed averages, while keeping cost traits below breed average. Our goal is to provide you genetics
               that will work in a multitude of environments and management systems to create a return on investment
               for the genetics. Each year the Superior Livestock Auction value data keeps supporting the value of Red
               Angus, right at $2.00/cwt more than black Angus calves, within these commercial herds. This summer we
               saw the same trend with Croissant Red Angus sired calves, going beyond their contemporaries as well. In
               an effort to help our customers, we work with our network of contacts to help assist in the sale of your
               cattle when they go to market and work with Top Dollar Angus to help pay the enrollment fee for those
               who qualify. Genetic investment is paying back.

               Each year we fi nish out cattle here at the ranch. This year those calves have been performing beyond
               expectations. We will have 2 loads of fed cattle that leave not long after sale that will weigh 1400 pounds.
               These calves are predominately Croissant Red Angus sired calves. In fact, we had calves at reimplant time
               in January, that were already over 1300 pounds. Not too bad for February calves. This is an excellent sign
               that we can keep cows a moderate size and still produce pounds that impact profi tability through the
               beef production system.

               This year the Red Angus Association has transitioned to the single step evaluation system, BOLT. With
               this transition we want to make sure that everyone is aware of some of the changes. First, CED and CEM
               have had a base change. For example, a CED of 10 in the past, now will be a 16 (each would have a 10%
               ranking). So, pay close attention to the percentile rankings of the traits for bulls.

               The Sorensen family has brought another good set of bulls again this year. It is great to have the opportu-
               nity to work with Kelly and Kitty every year. Their bulls come with the same Croissant Red Angus guar-
               antee as always. We look forward to continuing our relationship with them into the future. We would
               like to thank all of the friends and neighbors that help at sale and throughout the year, without them it
               would be a far greater challenge. Thank you.

               We look forward to seeing you in person on March 23rd at the sale. If you are unable to join us in
               person, there are other ways to be a part of the sale, DVAuction, sale day phones, or absentee bidding.
               Visitors are always welcome and if you have any questions please feel free to contact us, we are always
               here to help.


               Larry, Jean, Sallie, Kevin, and Alisa
               The Croissant Red Angus family

        All bulls PAP tested.                                                                                      1
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