Page 3 - Loonan Stock Farm 46th Annual Production Sale, Red Angus, Simmental, F1 Cross – Feb. 6, 2021
P. 3

46th Annual Production Sale

                                           Private Treaty Opening Day
                                 Saturday, February 6, 2021

                                             1:00 p.m. sharp in heated building
                                               Lunch: 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

                 Red Angus • Red Simmental • Red SimAngus™

                                                  120 Bulls

                    Purebred and Percentage • Affordably priced at $2,800, $3,000 or $3,200
                                                BULL SALE TERMS
        •  Buy your bulls February 6 and we’ll keep, feed, vaccinate, carcass   •  If you cannot take your bulls when deliveries are made in your
           ultrasound & semen test.                               area, you may pick them up at Loonan’s later (prior to June 30).
        •  You may pick up your bulls after testing and prior to June 30 or,   Let us know.
           Loonans will deliver – free – up to 300 miles when in your area   •  Bulls not sold February 6 will remain on sale until sold out, as in
           (over 300 miles, please inquire).                      previous years.
        •  Delivery will begin April 1 and be completed by May 10 when we   •  If you cannot be present February 6, we will have a representative
           start our AI season.                                   on-hand to handle written and phone requests on a “least cost”
                                                                  basis. Satisfaction guaranteed.
                               60 Replacement Heifers

                 PUREBRED HEIFERS &                                            COMMERCIAL
                    SHOW PROSPECTS                                      HERD REPLACEMENTS
             Heifers will be priced individually and in groups –     Heifers will be sold in uniform lots of 2-5 head,
                  $800 to $1,200 (registration available).             unregistered, but eligible, starting at $800.
        RED ANGUS                                              F1 RED ANGUS-SIMMENTAL CROSS
           Purebred individual and group heifers selected to rep-  This is an outstanding, well-bred set of maternal fe-
           resent our Red Angus program. Dependable, balanced     males.
           genetics that would make excellent foundation females.  SIMMENTAL PUREBRED
        F1 RED ANGUS-SIMMENTAL CROSS                              After 46 years of performance selection, this is quite a
           Several individual and group heifers with show or seed-  set of heifers.
           stock potential.                                    PUREBRED RED ANGUS (UNREGISTERED)
        SIMMENTAL                                                 Many younger, moderate-framed heifers which will make
           Most are sired by solid red, non-diluter, high-performing   good commercial herd replacements or additions to a
           sires.                                                 registered program.

                                              HEIFER SALE TERMS

         •  All heifers should be paid for sale day. Any not paid for within 30 days will be considered not sold, in order to complete
           the paperwork. You may pick up your heifers sale day and take them home, or leave them on the “Leave ’em and
           breed ’em” program. (Please inquire.)
         •  Thank you for your cooperation. We cannot deliver heifers as we start calving next week.

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